Jack Sparrow Can Save Me? 10

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Sorry it's short, but ur gunna love the ending!

Gibbs whipped around to stare at me. Then he laughed at himself. I suppose he was laughing at himself and not at me. "I suppose Jack said somethin about her?" He asked me. I nodded and told him, "He said that she had told him about the gems but not how to use them." He nodded and took a moment as if trying to think of how to explain. "Angelica was the daughter and the first mate of the notorious Captain Blackbeard. She was once a in a convent, but after meetin Jack she decided not to take her vows. I shouldn't be telling ye this ,but Jack told me that he had, briefly, mind you...stirrings for Angelica when he met her. Well he left and Angelica was upset by this and became a pirate herself, trying to find her father. She tried to save him at the Fountain of Youth, but Jack tricked the both of them and  she lived while Blackbeard died. After that Jack took her to an island and morroned her. That's when she told him about the gems. In an attempt to get him not to leave her. As far as I know she is still there at this moment." He finished taking a deep breath. Stirrings.....? "Stirrings?" I muttered to myself as Gibbs turned back to his work. So Jack had, had feelings for this woman? Then he had abandoned her on an island? That gave Jack a whole new set of layers i hadn't known existed. I reatrated to the front of the boat and stared out across the water. I considered all the thoughts and questions floating through my mind. Why was I so bothered by these facts? Why did I care so much about Jack? Ir even Angelica for that matter? That night I layed in bed, thoughts still swarming through my head. I was asleep before Jack came in as always, but I had wanted to talk to him.

The next morning when I awoke there was lots of noise outside. I propped myself up and looked around. I found my clothes and changed. I opened the cabin door and looked around. From the looks of things, we had just docked in Tortuga. I assumed we had just docked because everyone was still on board. I looked up to see Jack watching me. He grinned down at me and I smiled back. He walked down the steps and took my elbow. "How about a drink Victoria?" He asked in a formal tone. I laughed. "That sounds fabulous." I said in a mock formal tone as well. He led me down the ramp and down the pier towards the town. I had never been here before and was surprised by all the activity going on around me. Jack led me down a ways to a large building with a sign out front that read Faithful Bride. Noise poured through the open door as Jack led me in. Many drunken pirates were dancing around, drinking, singing, play instruments, and some just watched with mild amusement. "So Jack what are we drinking to?" I asked him with a smile. "Does anyone need a reason to drink? But I suppose in celebration. For finding the gems, for you being able to land a blow during practice, and for us still being alive." He cheered holding up his full mug to mine. I hit our mugs together and we both took long drinks. In all truth, Jack's drink lasted much longer than mine did. I grinned at him when he pulled the mug away from his face. He gave me a side ways grin back. Two drinks later I was as drunk as I had ever been. Jack pulled me away from the bar and onto the dance floor which was filled with other drunken pirates like us. I had had three drink to get me drunk. Jack.. well I had lost count after six. Jack stumbbled and twirled me around on the floor. I giggled and laughed like a child. We danced for what felt like hours and hours. After a while Jack met my eyes mid twirl and I stopped dead. It was like he had caught me in a trap. Everything seemed to slow around us and stop. Slowly, as if pulled through quicksand, Jack leaned forward until our lips met.

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