Jack Sparrow Can Save Me? 9

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Sorry it's short, but I really like how it ended. :P

Three days later:

Even though me and Jack shared a sleeping quarter I had hardly seen him since the gem incident. That is until I was coming out of the cabin one morning and ran straight into him. We both exclaimed and Jack grabbed my arms trying to stabilize me, but it was too late and we both ended up on the deck. We struggled for a moment to get untangled and after a few seconds I burst out laughing. Jack stared at me and then he started laughing too until we were both doubled over in a fit of chuckles. I'm not quite sure why we were laughing, but we were. It took us several minutes to control ourselves and push to our feet. "Well luv, it has come to my attention that our studies with the sword have been put off for a while. Meet me on the deck in a few." Jack said in a formal voice that made burst into another fit of giggles. Jack stepped around me and went into his cabin. He was right. He hadn't helped me out since the fight over the jewels. I waited on the deck, tapping my foot and staring out across the water. I realized that I had no clue where we were going now. We had the jewels, what else was Jack after? I would ask him after my lesson. He came out a few minutes later holding his sword proudly. I drew mine, ready to jump right in. This had become my favorite thing in the entire world. It was calming, whether you believe it or not it was. Jack, without a word, lunged at me with his sword . I instantly held mine up to block his blow and counter attacked. And we were off. Then the most amazing thing happened. We had been practicing on trying to land a blow on an opponent and so far I handn't even gotten close to even bushing Jack's sleeve much less actually hitting him. I knocked Jack's sword to the side, though still in his hand, and he didn't have enough time to pull back into stance before I had my sword tip pressed right against Jack's chest where his heart was.  He froze and looked down at the tip of my sword. I was just as surprised. I stared wide eyed. "Well, congratulations luv. You got a hit. You are proving to be better than your dear cousin Elizabeth." I blinked then a smile broke my face accepting the compliment. I dropped my sword and through my arms around Jack's neck. "Thank you so much Jack!" I exclaimed. He hesitated for a moment before wrapping his arms around my back. We pulled away after a few seconds and I was beaming from ear to ear. "No need to thank me. You still have a lot to learn... but you did excellent." If possible my smile got even bigger. "Let's have a drink to celebrate shall we?" Jack asked with his trade mark grin and made his way to the top deck, retrieving a bottle from Gibbs who was at the wheel. He took a long swig then held the bottle out to me. Throwing caution to the wind I took it from his hand and took almost a big a drink as he had. That's saying a lot. Because if anyone can hold their liquor it's Jack. "So Jack what exactly is our destination now?" I asked him after he had shooed Gibbs away and took his rightful place at the wheel. "We are sailing for Tortuga." He told me. I nodded slowly. "How long will it take us to arrive?" I asked him while I stood against the rails. "About another day." He said. I nodded again even though he couldn't see me. Not having anything else to say I made my way down to the deck and over to Gibbs. There was something that had been nagging at me for a while that I wanted to ask him. "Gibbs? Who is Angelica?" I asked him quietly.

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