Jack Sparrow Can Save Me? 3

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I made up the same of the town Elizabeth lives in.

"Elizabeth Swann is your cousin?" He asked and his shock was evident. I nodded. "My father and her father were half brothers before her father, my uncle,died." I said. He nodded thoughtfully. "My father became Governor after her father died." I said and I'm not real;y sure why. It just seemed like a a thing to throw in there. "What has happened to Elizabeth? I haven't seen her in almost eight years i think." I said, very curious now. "Your cousin is a pirate now. She's married to William Turner. Actually they were married here on this very boat. Has a son now, Will the third.Her and her son live in a little town off the coast called Jennings." He said. I was shocked. I had met Will a few times when I had visited Elizabeth when I was much younger and he had seemed nice enough but to believe that they were both pirates? It was unthinkable. "And what of Will? You said Elizabeth and her son live in Jennings." I asked. I usually picked up on things of that sort. He grinned. "Well aren't you sharp. William is now Captain of the Flying Dutchmen. Stabbed Davy Jones' heart and got his cut out. Only gets to set foot on land once every ten years." My eyes widened. I could not believe this! I wasn't very hungry any more. I was suddenly very tired. Jack must have noticed. "You're free to sleep in my bed." He said motioning at the bed on the other side of the room. I blushed. He gave a hearty laugh. "Don't worry luv. I've got too much to do tonight to sleep. Go ahead." He took a drink form the bottle of rum? sitting on the table, stood up, and left without another word. I was generally surprised.A pirate with decency? But my body was too tired for my mind to argue with it. I made my way to the bed and laid down. The second my head laid on the pillow I was sound asleep.
When I woke up I was still alone in the same cabin/room. I felt much better now that I had gotten some food and some real sleep. I stood up and stumbled a bit. I wasn't used to being on ships. The door opened just then and I jumped. The woman... Anamaria walked through the door carrying some clothes and a pair of boots. "Figured you might want to get out of that dress." She said handing me the clothes. "Thank you." I said. She nodded and left. I locked the door and shucked off the dress and my corset.I pulled the shirt over my head. It was slightly too big but it was comfortable and simple, things I was use to. I slipped the vest on next and tied it. Then I pulled on the simple brown pants and tied them tightly.I tugged on the boots which actually fit and stopped a bit below my knee. I flattened my hair with my hands and fingers before unlocking the door and walking out on the deck. I looked first into the sky. It was about eleven in the morning based on were the sun was. No one really paid attention to me, they were all too busy doing their jobs. I noticed the swords hanging off their belts. I had always wanted to know how to sword fight but my father had instantly forbade me from even thinking about it. Maybe now was my opportunity to learn. I turned to look up at the top deck, to see Jack at the wheel staring down at me. I climbed up the stairs and went to stand next to him. "Sleep well?" He asked. I nodded but stayed silent. "So where are we going exactly?" I asked watching the water ahead of the boat. "That way." He said pointing North and looking down at an odd broken? compass. "Very funny. What are we looking for?" I asked slightly irritated by him. "We are looking for treasure. A treasure chest that holds jewels that have the power to control the wind and tide." He said. I scoffed. "You really believe in such things?" I asked. "I believe in a lot of things as it were. Davy Jones, Calypso,  BlackBeard, the Kraken, the Fountain of Youth, Cursed Aztec gold, and mermaids." He said glancing over at me, making the beads in his hair clank together. I stayed quiet then. He had a point, unfortunately. Instead I listened to the calming sounds of the waves and let myself relax. We sailed in silence for a few moments. I stared off into the distance. Just off the horizon I thought I could make out land. "What's that?" I asked pointing towards the land. He grinned. "Well luv that's a surprise." He said. I frowned. He raised a bottle to his lips and took a drink. "Want a sip?" He said shaking the bottle towards me. Against my better judgement I took the bottle and took a swig. Rum. Just like I'd suspected. It burned my throat a bit on the way down. I handed then bottle back to him and he held it loosely at his side. "Jack I have a favor to ask you." I said gaining the courage to ask. "Ask away. No promises though luv." He said turning the wheel slightly. "I want to learn how to use a sword." I said. He looked at me sharply then laughed. I frowned at him. "You remind me of Elizabeth. Bold. Coming from a princess and becoming a pirate." He chuckled again. "I am not becoming a pirate." I snapped. "I just think it would be a useful skill to learn now that I'm trapped on aPirate ship." He raised an eyebrow. "Trapped? If I remember correctly you never asked for us to return you to Port Royal." I frowned again. He was right. I didn't ask to be returned. Why? My frowned deepened and I turned away from him and walked to the the back of the ship. I stared down at the water, confusing musing at me. I really didn't understand why I hadn't been more adamant about returning. Not that I really wanted to go back and be mocked and out casted. "You know what? I will help you learn how to handle a sword. But there's someone I think you may want to talk to first." Jackcalledfrom behind me. I turned around. "Who?" I asked. He shook his head, his beads clinking again. "That's a surprise too. You'll find out soon. You're lucky we just happened to be going this way and we can afford to stop fora day or so." I huffed angrily. I hated secrets and surprises. "Don't get angry. We'll be there in about twenty minutes. Just relax. Enjoy the sea." He said and I glared at the back of his head. "Glaring at me won't make me magically tell you luv." He said. I blinked, surprised. I stared back down into the water. I could see a few beautiful fish swimming a bit behind the boat and smiled. I desperately wanted to know who were going to see and where we were going. Well I didn't have long to wait because the strip of land was fast approaching.

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