Jack Sparrow Can Save Me? 4

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Finally the boat slowed and sat rocking. "Well, come on." Jack said beckoning me after him as he climbed down the stairs. "Gibbs! You're in charge!" Jack called as he made his way to the other side of the ship. "Aye!" Gibbs replied. Jack stopped at the side of the ship. He grabbed my hand and before I could pull away he was helping me over the side of the ship, down the ladder, and into a small row boat. The instant my feet stopped on the boats of the tiny boat, I sat down, afraid that the boat would tip. Jack climbed down much more easily than I did and took hold of the oars. He did a few things to the boat and then began to row towards land. "Who are we going to see?" I demanded as I watched him row. He grinned and peered around me. I turned to see what he was looking at. We were getting closer to the beach and I could just make out two figures. One was sitting on the beach and the other was playing in the water. They hadn't seen us yet apparently because they were turned slightly sideways. I looked closely but we were not yet close enough for me to make out who they were. When we got a little closer the person in the water turned to stare at us. I could now tell it was a child but not if it was a boy or girl. The child opened his mouth but I couldn't hear his words. In an instant the person who had been sitting on the beach leaped to their feet. It was a women. Was that.... Elizabeth? Was Jack taking me to see Elizabeth and her son?! I resisted the urge to jump to my feet in the boat. Moments later the boat stopped, hitting the beach. I lept to my feet and climbed out of the boat. It was Elizabeth! She had moved a few feet away from us, had hid her son behind her legs, and had pulled a sword. She suddenly looked confused. She looked at Jack as he stood up. "Jack?" She asked as if not believing her eyes. She looked of at me and shock was evident on her face. "Victoria?" She asked. I nodded smiling. "Aye luv. Nice to see you too." Jack said walking towards her. She put the sword away. "Victoria? Why are you with Jack?" She asked, completely ignoring Jack as I walked forward. "Well...." I trailed off not really sure how to answer without her going crazy. Jack didn't bother to supply the information his self. She peered at us for a few moments. Then her eyes widened. "He...he kidnapped you didn't he!?" She asked, more like demanded. I nodded. "Kind of." I said. She drew her sword again and pointed it at Jack's throat. "You kidnapped my cousin?!" She all but screamed. He shrugged and said, "Well technically luv I didn't." "Who then? Let me guess. Pintel and Ragetti? Seems to be a nasty habit they have there."I could see the anger in her eyes and I knew she was about to lunge for Jack but suddenly she stopped and looked down. Her son had tugged on her shirt, that was similar to mine. She glared at Jack then turned to her son. She took his hand and led him forward. "Well. Since we're all here. Will this is your cousin Victoria and... Jack." She said to him and before she could continue Jack interrupted her. "Captain Jack." He said. She rolled her eyes and stuck her sword back in her belt. Will's eyes widened and I knew he had heard of Jack, most likely from Elizabeth. "You're Jack Sparrow?" Will asked wide eyed. "Aye lad I am." Jack said grinning down at Will. "Wowww." Will said. "Well this has been a nice chat but I have a few things to get done. See you in a bit ladies. Will." Jack said and gave a sweep of his hat before turning and walking away. Elizabeth shook her head and looked at me. "Victoria we have a lot to talk about. Come on." She said and led the way up the beach, holding Will's hand. When we got to the top of the sloped beach Elizabeth lead us towards a nice sized home that sat on a cliff overlooking the beach. "Not very much out here." I observed out loud. Elizabeth nodded. "The town is further inland. I prefer to be out here where I can keep a weather eye on the horizon." She said wistfully as if her words held more meaning than she was saying. Elizabeth opened the door of the small house and led me inside. "Mum can I go play?" Will asked before stepping inside. Elizabeth nodded. "But stay close to the house." She said warningly. He nodded and ran off. Elizabeth closed the door and motioned for me to sit down at the small table. I did and Elizabeth quickly sat a cup in front of me full of tea. I took a sip and savored the flavor as Elizabeth sat down across from me. "Vicky, I haven't seen you in almost eight and a half years." I nodded. "Alright. Why don't you go first." I said to Elizabeth wanting to know about her life story, mine was much sorter anyhow. "How old is Will?" I asked first before she started. "He's six, he'll be seven in a month. So only three more years until Will comes back." I knew what she meant because Jack had told me that Will could only come on land every 10 years. I could see pain in her eyes so I put my hand over her's to give her some comfort. Elizabeth nodded and shook off the pain. Then, she began telling me about all that had happened to her since the last time we had seen each other. Her being kidnapped, the Isla de la Muerte, finding Davy Jones' heart, rescuing Jack form the locker, fighting Davy Jones, marrying Will, then watching Will die. The more things she told me the more I felt horrible for her. She had been through so much in such a short time. She finished her story a while later and judging by how far the sun had gone down it had been a bit over an hour. I could still hear Will playing outside and it made me smile. "Alright, Vicky it's your turn." I nodded. "Well after you'r father... you know, my father became Governor." She nodded and I figured someone had told her,"Well I was suppose to get married, to John the adviser to the King. But I just couldn't do it. I ran out of the wedding and I went to the cove that we use to play at, remember? Well I was sitting there and I saw these coins. The something hit me over the head and when I woke up I was on the Black Pearl. They apparently thought I was trying to steal their treasure. And then Jack brought me here." I finished quickly. Elizabeth was shaking her head with a confused look on her face. "I don't understand." She said. "What?" I asked. "Why Jack brought you hear. I just mean that he obviously intends to take you back with him, but he must have known I would object." She trailed off. "You do have a very good point." I said nodding. "Well I stopped trying to figure Jack out five minutes after we met." Elizabeth laughed. I giggled with her. "Stay here for just a moment." Elizabeth said. She disappeared into the next room. She came back a few moments later holding a basket that she set on a small table by the door. She didn't say anything so I just left it alone."When do you think Jack will be back?" I asked. "No telling. Probably after nightfall. So a few hours I assume."Elizabeth said. "Elizabeth, I have a favor to ask. I asked Jack but he said I might want to talk to you first for some reason." I said. "Ask away." She said nodding. "Can you teach me how to fight with a sword?" I asked. She blinked surprised. "Sure." She said and smiled. "I have a perfect sword for you. And you can keep it too." She said and disappeared back into the other room. She came out holding a simple sword, that was shining silver. She held it out to me carefully and I took it even more carefully. It fit beautifully in my hand. I fell in love instantly. She motioned for me to follow her outside and I did. Will was outside sitting a bit back from the cliff tossing stones over, and seeing how far they would go. He turned around when we came up behind him. "WIll, I'm going to teach Victoria how to fight, would you like to watch?" Elizabeth asked him. He nodded exciting and turned completely to face us. "I've been teaching him slowly, just little things though." Elizabeth told me quietly. I smiled, imagining little six/seven year old Will sword fighting. Elizabeth got serious and showed me how to hold the sword first. Then she showed me how to move with it. Lunging and slicing. After the basics were covered Elizabeth nodded. "You're going to be good. I can't wait to go against you." She said and smiled. I giggled, know I couldn't beat her of course. She moved until she was standing in front of me. Will watched us intently. A cool breeze blew mine and Elizabeth's similar hair the side. For just cousin's we did look a lot alike. The same hair and flawless skin, and we had similar features that our grandmother had had. "Ready?" Elizabeth asked. I nodded, nervously. Elizabeth smiled and then she lunged at me.

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