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"I'm sorry." Those were the two words written neatly on a small white peace of paper. Two words that haunted my life forever. That hid me under my shadow of fear.

I still remember those moments when I entered a place I used to call home. I practically cried for 2 years of my existence. I still went to school in my new home but I never went near or close to anyone. They called me Invisigirl, Weirdo, Freak. I didn't care. I learned to be strong and keep my emotions to myself. Never shared anything to anyone. Seem tough. I never cared about anything happening around me. Time passed by in a blur. Until I entered college.

I continued my everyday ritual of just being invisible. Went on for a week, until in one of my classes a very jolly or I'd say too jolly for my liking girl named Ashley greeted me with a huge smile on her face.

"Hi! I noticed you never talked to me  and we've been sitting next to each other for the past week. I know this is really awkward but I feel it would be even more awkward if we didn't know each other. I'm Ashley Robinson." She told me.

We were like opposites. We didn't have anything in common. We didn't like the same music. The same hobbies and she was far too noisy.

"I'm Ela." I said with a flat tone. I remember hoping that she would get the message and just back off. But as expected she didn't.

But you know what they say opposites attract.

She followed me around everywhere I go. It was annoying and I don't really have the talent of keeping things to myself so I told her. "I really want to be alone right now." Trying not to be too harsh.

Once again I am surprised with her answer. "Okay. I'll see you at lunch then, we'll eat will my bestfriend El. I'll introduce her to ya!" She said and started skipping like a little kid. I didn't notice I was laughing at her actions until she was gone. I haven't laughed in a long time. In fact I haven't smiled in a long time. I forgot how it felt like. 

I tried to avoid her in the canteen but that girl is just, I don't even know how to explain her. 

Then we had out first lunch together with El. Our first project. First party. First sleepovers and soon enough we were best friends. I don't know how she got to my soft spot but one day she did.

I broke down. In front of Ashley and El. I've never told anyone how I felt because no one really bothered to know. And the last thing I want from them is their pity. But El and Ashley never fail to surprise me.

"You know what will make you feel better? Ice Cream." Ashley said seriously. So seriously I thought she was joking.

They were doing their best to entertain me and slowly make me forget. I was no longer invisible. But I never told anyone my secret. Until I met my prince charming. At least that's what they called him.

My name's Mikaela Shane and this is my story.

Author's note:

Hey! Prologue is up. I felt so pro writing this because it has a prologue. It was so dramtic. Well I felt like I would make this one a bit dramatic because it keeps you guessing til' the end. And I feel like I write drama better because I really feel it. But don't worry it won't be too dramatic. :) I'll try to write this at the same time with It's What Matters Most but I will focus more on that one because I started it first. But like I said I'll try my best to post atleast 2-3 chapters a week. I am very excited for this. I feel like this has a better plot. I have so much in mind.

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