Chapter 9: Date!

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"Laser tag?" I asked him as we entered a dark room that shined with different colored lights. I still don't feel ecstatic by the fact that we're on a date but I can't help but smile when I think about laser tag.

"Why not? I've never played it before and I wanted to try it with you." He smiled at me as one of the staff helped us prepare for the battle. Yes, this is a battle to the death.

"Should I feel blessed that the Harry Styles is taking me out to his first laser tag game, because I definitely don't feel anything like that." I smirked at him.

"C'mon this date is going to be sick!" He says in attempt to cheer me up. We we're handed two guns. Mine was glowing red while his was blue. He walked to the other side of the massive room to protect his base.

After the staff left I was left on my own and I began to wonder why it was only the two of us in the entire battlefield. I guess that's one of the perks of dating a pop star. Wait, no I'm not dating him. Well this is our first date. I'm so confused about this.

I was still having a debate with my ever so crazy self when I heard the bell ring stating that the battle has started. I got into my fighting stance and got my game face on. Get ready to get your ass kicked real hard Styles.


"You liar! You've played that game before and I'm absolutely sure that you cheated." I crossed my arms, infuriated after our game. I can't believe he won I mean how can he beat me. I own laser tag and no one and I mean no one beats me in laser tag.

"C'mon love don't be so angry I'm sure I was just lucky." He said sweetly but the smirk on his face was still visible I just wanted to snap his neck right there.

"Don't you dare call me love if you still value your life. And shooting me with a laser for eight times isn't called luck it's called bloody cheating! I mean c'mon I swear I hit you at least ten times but it's just that your vest can't sensor it. You cheater!" I sticked my tongue out and crossed my arms after releasing my long rant.

"We have to go and eat now." He suddenly said, and just like that my mood went skyrocketing. I just realized how hungry I was when he mentioned food and now my stomach is grumbling.

"Well what are you waiting for curly let's go eat!" I jumped excitedly like a five year old wanting to open his presents on Christmas Day. I grabbed Harry's hand and dragged him out of the bloody place. If I wasn't hungry I would still be raging mad at him for beating me in laser tag.

I got into the car with Harry and stared out the window wondering what restaurant we we're going to. Harry suddenly removed his hand from mine and that's when I realized that It was intertwined just a few seconds ago. I pretended now to notice that we were holding hands and just placed my hand back to my lap. Looking out the window I felt my cheeks flame with embarrassment.

"We're here!" Harry announced as we arrived in one of the restaurants beside the dock. I just nodded and waited in the car as he walked to the other side to open my door. I got out quickly and that's when I saw how absolutely stunning the restaurant was. It had glass walls where you can see the inside of the place. I can tell that no one was inside since there was just one table right in the middle that I supposed was for me and Harry. Pfft! Rich fancy kids. Harry suddenly placed his arm on my shoulder but I shrugged him off. I looked at him with a disgusted look and saw a him pout for a second but he quickly regained his composure as a blond haired girl wearing a glittery black dress so short that it looked like a shirt, opened the door for us with a huge smile plastered on her face.

I wanted to gag, girls that dress and look like that disgust me. They think they look all pretty, okay so maybe they are, but in all honestly they just look like Barbie dolls to me they all have the same face and they all dress slutty. Harry should be asking girls that look like that on a date and not me. I'm not caked face, blonde and curvy like they are, they look like models for Christ's sake but he decided to ask me out. Me, the plain brunette that hates make up with a passion and is no where near curvy.

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