Chapter 7: Support Group

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"Hello?" Harry said a couple of times through the phone. I wanted to say something but everything I would open my mouth I closed it again not knowing what to say.

"Mikaela is everything okay?" I shook my head to tell him that I wasn't fine because I was confused. With the dream and the shrink and just everything but I realized that he wouldn't be able to see me shaking my head so I just kept quiet.

"Look we have an interview about the movie in thirty minutes and I can't be on the phone right now and since you're not even talking I'll text you later. I hope everything's okay." With that being said he hung up. I just held the phone on my ear listening to the beeps signaling that he was not in the other line. The beeping finally stopped and I dropped my phone to the soft bed. I sighed and crashed into my bed.

I don't want to sleep again afraid that I might have another dream so I stood up and started to play the keyboard in the corner of my room. I rarely played it because it wasn't really that interesting for me but this time it felt soothing, somehow it calmed my nerves.

I played Beside You by one of my favorite bands, Mariana's Trench. I hummed to it as I let my fingers slide on the white plastic keys. I guess my mom heard me playing because she opened the door to my room and smiled at me encouragingly. She sat on the seat beside me and watched me play.

After I finished the song she clapped for me. I can't help but smile and make a small bow.

"How was the therapy?" She asked me. I grabbed my music notebook and a pencil to write my answer.

"Even more confusing but it was fine. I'll be back there in three days so I better start talking again." She didn't say anything at my response but just smiled and pulled me to a tight embrace. I wouldn't say that I liked being held like this but I let her knowing that she needs this more than I do.

"I just want to see you happy Mikaela, and I'll accept whatever you are and no matter how weird you are." I grimaced at what she said and pulled out of the embrace raising my right eyebrow.

"Don't ruin the moment I'm trying to be emotional here." I didn't laugh at her comment I just simply nodded and went back to playing the keyboard. My mom then stood up and left the room.

After a few more songs I became quite tired so I sat on the couch but I still refused to sleep. Not knowing what to do I grabbed my phone from the bed and decided to text Ashley.

'I'm back in no speaking state...' I rarely text my friends first unless its something urgent but I didn't know what to do.

'Is it the dream again Ela. I hope you went to therapy.' She quickly replied.

'I did and it was absolute torture it only made me feel worse.'

'Mikaela I worry about you sometimes just go with it. Eat ice cream if you need to or maybe grab some gummy bears.'

'I'm not a fan of those things like you are, they don't make me feel better.'

It took Ashley a while to reply so I unintentionally fell asleep.

I started running. I looked around me to see the streets of London. The familiar buildings and the familiar faces looking at me as I ran but I kept running not knowing why or what from. I finally arrived at my destination. I looked at the brown wooden door and held the metal doorknob. It wasn't a big house or anything grand but it was a home. It was where my heart was and where it was shattered into pieces. I opened the door and look around. Everything was in the same place. The brown faux leather couch in front of the box type telly. The messy kitchen that seemed to never be used. Left over pizza boxes were all over the small dining table and finally the small brown cabinet in the room as filled with photographs.

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