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For Kaite (Killer)

As I pace around this four-foot space, all I can think about is how I hate this blasted place. With nothing to do and nothing to say, it's enough to make a person go insane!

With nothing to better to do, I continue to pace, with brief thoughts of what it might be to live in space. All my ideas and thoughts remain tangled in the web that is my brain. Nothing comes to me, yet everything at once. My only hope is to find a way out so I can make my grand escape.

A bookshelf, some boxes, and other random junk were all I had to work with.

"If I were an evil genius trying to make my grand escape, what would I do?" I asked the voice inside my brain.

"But you are an evil genius, my dear. All you need do is think."

They were right; all I need do was think. Standing on some stacked boxes, I was almost tall enough to reach the window that would grant me the freedom I had yearned for so long.

"If only I were a bit taller, I'd be able to get out of this horrid place!"

Pacing from here to there, crossing to each of the four corners, feeling as if I were losing an in an inch in each space with ever step I may take.

"What can I do?" I asked the voice again.
"Look at the shelf, my dear and tell me what you see."

"Books, folders, chips, pens, pencils and stuff of the sort are all I see! How can this help me?"

"They are the key to get you out of this place."

"How?" I asked once more.

"Figure it out, for I shall say no more."

Books, folders, pens, pencils and chips were all I had to aid me in my great escape. I was no Sherlock, not even a Nancy Drew, the Hardy Boys would laugh at my attempt but that doesn't mean I shouldn't try.

First I took the pens, thinking if I stuck them in the wall hard enough, perhaps they would help support me as I climbed the wall. Unfortunately, they did not and resulted in quite a nasty fall. The pencils were no better, but the chips did help, at least for my hunger.

Pens and pencils were out of the question, all I had left were books, folders and a few messily boxes.

"Perhaps if I stack the folders on the boxes they will give me enough height?" Sadly, that was not so, for I was at least two feet from my target in sight.

"Maybe if I tie the folders to my arms, I can use them as wings?" I thought. It wasn't my best plan, but I was starting to go to my last resorts.

Flapping my arms in the vague hope of flight, I was still unable to take off into the night.

Books, boxes, and a newly found blanket were all I had left.

"What if I use the books and boxes to climb to the windowsill? Then I can tie the blanket and use it to climb down to the ground!"

The voice returned, "If you truly believe that will work, then please, be my guest dear."

Climbing the boxes with the windowsill at my figure tips, it was at this very moment I so wished that I had done my pull ups in gym class.

"It's no use!" I all but screamed eternally to the voice. "Nothing I do will work and if I stay here I know I won't be able to make it till morning."

"My dear child, once morning comes, you can leave this dreadful place, why must you now escape?"

"Because! It's so dark here, so lonely, so bleak! Why would anyone want to be in such an awful place?"

"You should know better than anyone, my dear."

"Why do you say that?"

"I'll give you a hint, if you wish to escape, open that book by your foot."

"This one?" I asked picking it up. "It's empty! They're no pictures let alone any words! What am I to do with a book with no pictures or word?"

"Pick up the pen you forgot to use and write your thoughts down in it now."

"Why should I do that? How will it help?"

"If you wish to escape, you will do as I say."

Seeing as how it was pointless to argue any more, I picked up the pen and began to write as the voice said.

As I pace around this four-foot space, all I can think about is how I hate this blasted place. With nothing to do and nothing to say, it's enough to make a person go insane!

"Good," said the voice. "How does it feel to write it down?"

"Better I suppose." I reply, staring at my words. "But I still don't see how it will get me out of this blasted place!"

"The walls you see are all but an illusion, and this place you feel so trapped is nothing more than a dark corner in your own mind. If you wish to escapes you most write your way out, for nothing is more powerful than what you say in your words.

"It can't be that easy! If it were I wouldn't be here!"

"Write, sing or draw your way out. If you wish to be free, you must do this for it is the key!"

"The key you say?" I ask to it and myself in wonder. "A key..."

Not knowing what to do next, I drew a key in my last hope to make my grand escape.

Once I sketched the key, it appeared beside me.

"Voice!" I screamed, "There's now a key!"

"Use the key to unlock the door and you shall be free."

"Door?" I asked looking at the four bare walls, "Voice, there are no doors."

Then make one." They said.

With a key in my hand I knew I was in reach of leaving this horrid place, all that I need now was a place to put it, for if there is a key, there must be a lock, and in my case, that lock should be in a door.

Sketching a door next, one appeared in front of me.

"Voice!" I said in awe, "There's a door now too!"

"My dear, one thing you must understand, no matter where you are, trapped or nay, your words will always help you be okay. There will come another time in your life when you will be all alone, and when that time comes, remember you are the one in charge. A pen is more powerful than a sword, just as thoughts can destroy a man from within as swiftly as a knife. Never forget who you are and what you wish to be, because even in the end, you should be as happy as can be."

Turning the key in the lock, the door opened and I was able to escape into my imagination that I once thought was not only forgotten but lost forever in space.

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