I know I'm not the only one

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You said that you love me....
You're there for me for better or for worse.....
You said that you're not gonna hurt me and that I'm the only one you love.....
But all of that you said to me is a lie.....
Because I know I'm not the only one.....

Elsa's Pov
       I just came home from work today. I opened the front door and came in. I went upstairs to surprise my boyfriend because it's our anniversary today. He doesn't know I went out early from work.

Me and my boyfriend lived together and it's okay cause I'm now 23 years old so I'm old enough to live with my boyfriend.

I went to our bedroom quietly and I saw two people in our bed.

I gasped in shock and I was about to cry but I hold it in.

I can't believe my boyfriend, Jack, is cheating on me with my cousin, Rapunzel.

Am I not good enough for him? Am I too fat or too ugly? why did he cheat on me? So many questions that go through my mind.

I went outside and wait for them to leave.

After a few minutes they went out and said their goodbyes to each other and kissed! In front of me!

Jack went inside so I went out from my hiding place and knock on the door.

" hi honey! How was work today?" Asked Jack.

" oh It's okay. How about you? How was your day today? "I asked and fake smiles.

"Oh! It's great now that you're here!" He said.

I can't take it anymore so I started crying.

"Hey what's wrong?" He asks. I really can't take it anymore so....

"What's wrong??? You tell me!! I saw you with my cousin in bed and you're asking me what's wrong?!!!"

"How did you know?"

"It doesn't matter!! I'm leaving!"

"Elsa please don't leave me... I need you and love you"

"Do you love me because you need me or you need me because you love me?" I said.

After I said it I quickly left not caring of what he's answer is.

I went to my car and cry while driving.

why?? why do this have to happen to me??

Betrayal was what I felt, my heart broken not just by a guy I was in love with, but also by, as I once believed, a true friend.

~~~~~~ 3 years later ~~~~~~

I change my hair to brown. I moved back to Arendelle and continue my life. I also found my true love. His name is Hiccup. I love him so much and we're getting married in a few weeks.

I'm now done working and I'm now waiting for my fiancé to arrive and pick ne up. while I was waiting....


I turned around and I can't believe who I saw.


"Uhh.. Hey Elsa. Sorry about  you know... Can we give us a chance again? "

Before I can answer him my fiancé came.

"Hey Elsa! who's this?" Hiccup said.

"This is Jack. Jack this is Hiccup, my fiancé."

"Oh.. Hi nice to meet you! " jack said.

"You too" said hiccup.

"Umm we have to go so... Bye Jack!" I said.

"Uhh oh yeah ummm bye" Jack said.

After that we left and get inside the car.

"Elsa who's that guy?" He asks with a hint of jealousy.
I giggled.

"Hiccup he's only a friend. No need to be jealous. I'm yours and you're mine" i said. He smiled then....

"Hey I'm not jealous!"

"Yeah sure" i said with sarcasm. I rolled my eyes.

"Just drive you jealous man!" I said and laughed.

"I'm not jealous!" He said and I laughed even more.


Jack's Pov

I wish I didn't let her go....
She's the best thing that ever happened to me and now she's gone.

why do I have to be so stupid?!

Betrayal was what I felt, my heart broken not just by a guy I was in love with, but also by, as I once believed, a true friend. - Danka V.

Never cheat on someone that is good to you. Karma is a bitch.
-Surgeo Bell

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