My Big Love second part

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Jack's Pov

    Tomorrow we will start the workout. I've always wanted Elsa to be mine. I don't care if she's fat or ugly in other people's opinions, for me she's perfect and it's the personality that matters right?

      Next day➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️

    "Okay Elsa, are you ready?" I asked. I pick her up from her house and now we're at the gym.

when I came to her house she is still asleep and man! She's so hard to wake up.


I went to her room and if you asked how did I get in, it is because of the spare key under the pot outside. She told me I can come here anytime.

I went upstairs and knock on the door.




There's no answer. Then I heard a snore. Didn't she hear the noise I made? I knocked again.




Again there was no answer. So I tried to open the door and it was open. I looked at her room and it's still the same. Light blue and white bed and walls.

I looked at her and she has a messy hair and she's drooling. She's so cute. I walked towards her and shake her.

"Elsa wake up!!"


I shouted at her. She's still asleep.  -_-

"Elsa I ate your chocolate" i yelled. She woke up and wrestle me. She's right on top of me sitting.

"Why'd you ate my chocolate?!" She yelled. She grabbed my leg and twisted it.

"Aaaaaaagh! I didn't eat your chocolate! I just- agh said that so that you- agh would wake up! " I said.

"Oh"she said then laugh nervously.

"Can you please get off me." I said.

"Oh sorry" she said and got off me.

"So ready for today?" I asked.

"Yeah just wait for me outside!" She said and pushed me out of the room.

----------End of Flashback--------

"Ready!" She said. We entered the gym and started exercising. First is the treadmill.

"C'mon Els you can do it!" I said. It's been just about 5 minutes and she's already tired. Plus she's already crawling and I tried not to laugh.

"Ugh! This is so tiring. I wanna go te bed." She said while panting.

"You can do it! It's just been 5 minutes and only 25 minutes more!"

"Okay fine." She stood up and started jogging. I can't believe she's really doing eat. After the workout we went out and go back to her house. She's sweating like a pig but she still looks stunning. She showered and I waited in the living room and watched some movies. After she's done we watched some movies together.

After that it's now lunch time. I looked at her refrigerator and it's full of chocolate. Is that all she eats? So I told her that we will shop for food that are low in calories and healthy for the body. Also I will get rid of the chocolate when she sleeps. If I take her chocolate now, it will be the end of me.

I cooked for her and we started eating.

"Do I really have to eat this stuff? It doesn't have a taste." She said and looked at the food disgustedly.

"Yes you have to. You need to lose weight and be healthy. You want some revenge right? And also it is for your own good." I said and smiled at her.

"Okay fine. Thanks for being there for me always." She said and looked at me and smiled.

"Hey I'm your BBF and that's what I do." I said and she smiled widely. I smiled at her to and we started eating again.

-------Months Passed-------

I'm in my office doing paperwork and I heard a lot of people talking.

"Wow Elsa you look stunning!"

"She's not fat anymore"

"She's smoking hot"

I went outside and looked stunned. You see after 1 week of working out she said that she will managed herself so that I will be surprised. She take a leave until she loses weight and I agreed and let her.

Elsa is standing there with her platinum blonde hair in a bun and her white polo 3/4 shirt and those high waisted tight skirt. Wow.... She really improved herself.

"Hey Jack!" She said and smiled at me and walked towards me.

"Elsa..... wow... You look stunning." I said. She then cried and pushed me to the office. She locked the door.

"Elsa what's wrong?" I said and embraced her.

"F..Flynn still doesn't like me. He said that he just doesn't feel the same." She cried.

"Elsa don't run after him. There's someone out there for you. Maybe he's just infront of you." I mumbled the last sentence. She looked up.

"What?" She asked.


"No, I heard you say something. Tell me or I'll kill you." She threatened me. She looks so cute.

"No" I said then she grabbed my neck and squeeze it a little.

"Tell me"

"Oka....y f...ine j..ust re..move you...r hand." I give in then she let go of my neck.

"I said that maybe that someone your looking for is right infront of you."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that I'm inlove with you Elsa. Since we became best friends my feelings for you grows and I.... I ...-"

"Shh... I know I've been telling you that I like Flynn but it's you that I love. I just told you that I like Flynn because I know that I don't have a chance with you. I mean you're handsome,rich, gentleman and all that and I'm just fat,ugly,du-" I kissed her. She kissed back and a few seconds I pulled away.

"Elsa, don't say that. You are beautiful in every way. I know this so sudden but will you...

Be my girlfriend?" I said. She looked at me in the eye and what she said made a tear escape from my eye.


Of course you idiot. I'll be your girlfriend." She said and smiled. I lift her up and spin. I stopped spinning and kissed her.


After 3 years, I proposed to her and of course she said yes and we had twins, boy and girl, named Ron and Rose.

And we lived happily ever after. 😉😊☺️👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

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