Le Café (10)

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Lauren's POV

I heard the shrill sound of the alarm clock on my nightstand. Did I really need to work on a Sunday? Yes. In an hour Camila would be waiting for me in Le Café. I stretched, remembering last night, which made me smile broadly. Images of Karla were unmistakably in my thoughts. How could she make me feel like this? I remember exactly the pleasurable feeling that was touching her. God! I could get horny just by imagining her being possessed by me. Her superior air confronted with mine, and that made me want her even more.

"Stop thinking about her, Lauren." I said to myself as I got up from bed, heading towards the bathroom.

Minutes later, I was completely ready. I was wearing a simple black dress that had a slight neckline in the front, high heels of the same color, and my Ray-Ban sunglasses.

It didn't take me too long to park my car four blocks away from my apartment, where Le Café was located. It was one of my favorite coffee shops in Miami. It had a unique environment, like the ones in Paris. The building architecture was old, but very well preserved. In its front it had several tables protected by an awning, for the customers who liked the outdoors. I entered the cozy establishment that wasn't crowded today. Thank God. The place had a good vibe, the furniture was all made of wood, with large ceiling lamps and a huge counter. On the walls there were several framed pictures of Paris, maps, and shelves with books. It was a real piece of Paris in Miami.

"Lauren, sweetie!" The grey-haired man greeted me as he approached.

"Good Morning, Gerald." I greeted in a friendly way.

"I've never seen you here so early. To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"I need a peaceful place to work, and this was my first option."

The man with a slightly big belly smiled, and with his unmistakable French accent said, "Perfect! Are you waiting for someone? I have a table in the back, it's quite private there, and I guarantee that no one will disturb you."

"Yes, that would be wonderful. I'm waiting for my secretary."

"I think she already arrived. A very beautiful young lady walked in a while ago, and I'm sure I never saw her here before."

"Where is she?"

"On the terrace. You know we have a great view of the park from out there." The man said, good-humored.

"Absolutely, Gerald. Please send someone to take our order, okay?"

"I'll take your order myself, sweetie."

I smiled at the man who led me to the table where Camila supposedly was, and he wasn't wrong, it was indeed her. The brunette was focused on the book in her hands, and as soon as she saw me, she quickly got up from her chair with a beautiful smile.

"Good Morning, Ms. Jauregui."

Today she looked different from the other days. Camila was wearing light jeans that fully outlined her beautiful legs, a white silk blouse and a navy blue blazer on top it. Her hair was loose and slightly wavy, molding her thin face that was adorned with simple reading glasses. She looked beautiful, as usual.

"Good Morning, Ms. Cabello."

"Let me take you to the more private table." Gerald said, leading us to the back of the coffee shop, where there was a lonely table near a large glazed window.

"What can I get you?" He asked.

"The usual, Gerald." I said, sitting at the table.

"I think I'm going to need the menu." Camila said smiling.

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