Fights and Reconciliation (26)

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Pov Lauren

I couldn't believe what I had just done. I had rejected a good and pleasurable night of pure sex with Karla Estrabao. God, I walked from one side to the other in that corridor, thinking about the idea of going back and take that woman in my arms. But what about Camila? As much anger as I was feeling that night, I wouldn't do such betrayal.

And would it be betrayal? I didn't have anything with Camila. Or I did, I don't know.

I shook my head walking out of "Imperium". The maddening noise of the sensual music stayed behind, leaving only the silence of that night. I needed to put my thoughts in order, I needed to understand what was going on inside me. 

I entered my car, taking a deep breath. I leaned my head over the steering wheel trying to quiet my thoughts. I would go back home and I would sleep. That was the best choice. As much as I still wanted Karla with all the strength of my being, I liked Camila, and it was with her that I wanted to be.

I started the ignition, bringing the car to life, and leaving that place to perhaps never come back. I drove a few times around downtown Miami, thinking about the idea of picking up Camila. Surely the problem with Dinah had already been resolved. It took me about half an hour until passing in front of her building.

With the car moving slowly I could see two women that were more than familiar. One of them I knew, it was Camila. The brunette was with the same dress she was wearing at dinner a couple of hours ago. And beside her?

I approached more, with the windows closed. And it wasn't possible. I didn't want to believe it.

Veronica hugged Camila for a long time and she reciprocated in the same way. So that was the problem with Dinah?

A sudden urge to get out of the car and go face both of them took over me, but I wouldn't do such thing. I was superior to all of that. As much anger as I had, I wouldn't say anything now. I stayed a few more minutes watching the scene, until Camila let go of Vero and looked towards my car. Fuck. She knew.

I sped the vehicle getting out of that place without looking back. I was angry, feeling like a fool. It was because of this type of things that I hated to fall in love.

Was I in love?




I felt anger, of me, for being stupid enough to refuse a night with Karla. My will was to return to that club and fuck her until I couldn't anymore. But I wouldn't do it. I would just treat Camila in a cold way just like she deserved.  


Bad mood, anger and impatience.

Those three words defined that day. I took a sip of the strongest Whiskey as breakfast, and then I left for Jauregui's Industry. The traffic was hellish, just like my state of mind. I closed my eyes and the images of Vero and Camila made itself present, just like during all the hours that I hadn't been able to sleep that night.

I remembered the wasted moment with Karla.


I honked one, two, three times to the rusty car ahead. If he didn't have money to buy a better car it was better to stay off the streets.

Minutes later I parked in my presidential spot, and went towards the elevators. The employees rushed to their proper places as usual. I walked among them with a deadly gaze. I entered the elevator and on the tenth floor I saw Dinah enter in it as well.

-Good Morning, ma'am. - the woman greeted me, but I didn't even answer.

And after a few floors, the beep of the elevator signaled that I had arrived where I wanted.

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