A Good Day (18)

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NOTE: For a better reading listen to the song "Superman by Joe Brooks" when I tell you to on the chapter :)


Pov Camila

You know when you are sleeping and wake up with a different energy? A good energy? That's how I woke up today, stretching in the huge bed feeling all my muscles more relaxed than usual. I opened my eyes looking around the room where I had slept, it was big, luxurious and at the same time comfortable. I confess that I was still very tired, I rolled over in bed several times thinking about everything about Lauren's life. Imagining how hard it was being for her to face her father's disease.

From the little I knew Alzheimer was incurable, and it only got worse with time. Michael was too young to have such evil, but unfortunately he does. The man seemed happy, so far I only saw smiles on his face. Clara and Taylor seemed to be conformed to live with the disease. Only for Lauren it was more complicated, and I could even understand.

Last night had really left her too fragile, I remember exactly the sad glow of her eyes as she stared at me, it was heartbreaking to see her like that. But what really left me surprised was the request for a hug. Does Lauren consider me a friend? Or did that only happened because she was in her worst moment?


Lauren wasn't like that, I saw her as fully determined and sincere person, and to imagine her in another way was too hard for my head. But then, what did she expect from me? Maybe nothing, only a friendship. It was clear that Lauren kneeled at Karla's feet, or better, at my feet. But it wasn't like that that I wanted her. I wanted her, I wanted to feel her affection, I wanted to be cared for, loved. But at that level I hadn't gotten in.

Karla conquered Lauren with the body, the desire. And I? What had I done? Nothing. What had I conquered in Lauren?

I got up from bed leaving all those ideas behind. Thinking about so many things would leave me confused. So I had made a decision. I would make this weekend something special, I wouldn't worry about Karla, or with the fact that Lauren was my boss. Like she had asked, we would only be Lauren and Camila. Nothing more.

After a hot bath, I put on a pair of jeans, ripped in the knees, and a gray blouse that left my stomach showing. My hair was loose and slightly wavy. I looked in the mirror one last time before leaving the room, by now everyone should already be at the table for breakfast.

I descended the stairs without making a noise, I heard some laughter coming from outside that I guessed to be from Mike and Taylor. They weren't in the dining room, through the huge window I saw them outside sitting at the table, eating breakfast. I approached them slowly.

-Let's say that I believe that she's not, but she should, she's very beautiful.

Michael said to Lauren. Were they talking about me? Lauren let out a laugh at Mike, throwing a little bread at him.

-Wasting food is a sin. Good Morning everyone.

I said as I approached the table. They all quickly looked at me, leaving me embarrassed. Lauren stared at me from head to toe as if she was analyzing every detail in me.

-Good Morning, Camila! - Taylor said excitedly.

-See, Lauren? Camila is even religious.


Lauren nudged him.

-Good Morning, Camz, sit with us. - Lauren said smiling.

Camz? I had won a nickname from Lauren? Dammit! Stop being a silly little girl, Camila, it's just a pet name. I smiled shyly, and approached her, there were two chairs, one beside Taylor and the other beside Lauren, I walked further away from that woman.

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