Confrontation (31)

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NOTE: GUYS!! THIS IS THE CHAPTER!! Please, for a better reading, when I indicate on the chapter listen to the song "Crazy In Love by Beyonce (Fifty Shades Of Grey version)", and put it on repeat bc the part is long :)


Pov Lauren

"Karla Camila"


It's not possible.

I stood there paralyzed, staring at the woman walk in until she was out of sight. I closed my eyes, squeezing my hands tightly on the steering wheel. A sudden rage took over my body, a sort of frenzy of hatred heated up every cell there. God, this could only be effect of the alcohol, there was no other explanation. I looked at both sides, the road was dark and empty, I got out of the car. Camila would give me a good explanation for this.

I walked towards the gate, walking from one side to the other trying to convince myself of the stupid idea of going up and end this entire charade. I looked between the bars of the gate, not seeing any sign of Karla. I couldn't do this, I wasn't impulsive or emotional. But in that instant my body screamed for immediate answers, but I couldn't, that wasn't me. On the contrary, I was cold and extremely crafty. I walked hurriedly to the vehicle that was on the other side of the street with the door wide open, entering it and closing the door harshly.

-Idiot! Stupid! - I shouted punching the steering wheel several times.

I could kill someone in that instant with the rage that consumed me. I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath, letting the oxygen get to my brain or I'd at any moment die right there. I looked one more time at the building where Camila lived, leaving the idea of unmasking her for later.

I turned on the ignition, starting the car and getting out of there towards my apartment.

The sky was still clouded and loaded with rain being cut time or another with lightning rays. That night couldn't get any worse. I got out of the car slamming the door shut and following towards the elevator of the huge building.

Fucking stripper.

The first thing I did when I entered my apartment was pour myself a glass of Whiskey, I drank the liquid at once, closing my eyes and feeling it tearing everything as it went down, leaving behind only the burning inside me.

-How can you be so stupid, Lauren?! The son of a bitch fooled you all this time! And still acted the role of good girl! Bitch.

I walked towards the deck of my apartment, lying down on one of the loungers under the awning . Everything was starting to make sense now. That's why Karla never took off her mask for me, the eyes so familiar, the so fucking perfect bodies, the similar reactions, God, what spell had that woman cast on me? Precisely on me.


Camila lied to me all this time. She shouldn't have, she shouldn't.

She didn't know with whom she had messed with, if there was something that I hated was to be deceived. Karla Camila played with me during all this time, manipulating me like a puppet of her little theater play.

I shook my head, still processing the world of information that started to connect in me. All the moments, the kisses, the gazes. Everything was coming together in a replete lie:

-What? I'm not doing anything, Lauren!

-You control me, with your actions. But don't get too excited, I'm the owner of my wills.

-Prove it, do something you want.

I longed to kiss that mouth but the small mask she was wearing hinder my chance, I wanted to see her before. I brought my hand to her face, to take off her mask, so I could finally see her face, but quickly her small hands landed on top of mine, preventing my action.

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