The Loss (52)

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NOTE: For a better reading when I point out in the chapter listen to the song "Come Back When You Can by Barcelona" (let this one on repeat until I point out the second song), and then listen to "Colors by Amos Lee".


Lauren Pov

In that split second my body froze, the sight of Camila thrown on the ground dirty with blood made my whole body stop. As if I had entered another dimension in which I could only fear her loss. I could hear my breathing and my heartbeat slow, almost stopping. She wasn't alone, there was someone with her on the floor, with their body next to hers, making the scene even more startling.

My eyes diverted from Camila and landed on the blonde who remained with the heavy object in her hands. Candece laid eyes on me and her expression was almost undefined. A mixture of fear, desperation and anger. And as if a fuse being connected with fire, I woke up.

-You... You killed her! - I let out in a small voice - You son of a bitch, you killed her! - I shouted in desperation.

My only thought in that instant was:

"If she had taken my world, I would take hers."

So I no longer had control over me, I stomped over to Candece in a frightening speed. The anger and the pain exploded in my chest in such a mad and irrational way that my only will now was to kill her. I pushed her body roughly, causing her to fall on the small corner table knocking all the objects to the ground. She stared at me scared, letting the gun that had shot Camila fall under the shelf. I moved towards her and pulled her body by the blouse she was wearing, throwing the woman harshly to the ground.

-Let me go! - she shouted desperately.

I quickly got on top of her, pinning her body to the ground. And with a colossal force I punched her face. One, two, three times until seeing blood come out of her nose.

-I'll end your life! - I said crying in a desperate way, while I hit the woman with all my strength.

-You bitch! - she shouted trying to push me.

-You killed her! You killed Camila! - I shouted amid tears that ran down my face.

-Get off me! - she pushed me again.

But my body was simply out of control, I hit the woman with the anger, pain and hatred that had built in the few seconds that I saw Camila on the ground. Candece managed to put her hands on my neck where she scratched hard, making me groan in pain. But I wouldn't give up. I punched her face without pity or mercy, I would kill her in cold blood. I couldn't even feel the pain of my fist pounding hard in the woman, nor her failed attempts to make me stop. It was as if a rush of adrenaline was happening, surfacing my most dreadful instincts.

-You will... - I hit a strong slap - Pay me for this! - I shouted punching her face.

The woman screamed amidst her desperate cries, and in a slip she held me tightly. Turning her body against mine, causing me to fall to the ground. Candece hit me with a slap that surely would leave a mark, her hands came towards me almost desperately trying to defend herself. I tried to hold her arms, but it was almost impossible. I grabbed at her tousled hair, pulling hard which made her scream. The woman by a fraction of a second got distracted by the pain giving me the chance to turn the situation around. I pushed her roughly, causing her to hit the office's desk.

-You son of a bitch! Fucking bitch! You will not stay alive! - I shouted moving towards her again, feeling my hands trembling, my face wet due to the tears that wouldn't stop.

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