The Wedding (54)

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NOTE: For a better reading when I point out in the chapter listen to the song "Turning Page by Sleeping at Last" ;)


Lauren Pov

We raised the glasses up high, toasting for the tenth time that night. The effects of the alcohol in the human being were incredibly disastrous. I thought as I took a good sip of the blue drink in my glass, it must already be the seventh glass in a few hours.

-This here is too good. - Vero spoke excitedly as she sucked the drink from her glass with a green straw.

We were at a nightclub in downtown Miami that night. Remembering the old days in which we all went out together. Vero and Lucy in a sudden idea decided to program my bachelorette party. That's right, tomorrow I'll get married to Camila, and I couldn't be more nervous about it.

-If you drink too much you'll get out of here drunk, Lauren. - Lucy said laughing.

-I need a lot of alcohol tonight to end with my anxiety. - I spoke with certain difficulty due to the noise inside the place.

Anxiety. That word would define me until the time of the wedding. I was with my nerves on edge, that damn cold inside my stomach, and the whirlwind of thoughts in my head were mistreating me little by little. Not that the idea of marrying Camila was bad, quite the contrary, it was too good. And precisely for that that my body was giving too much attention to my nervous system.


-Jesus Christ, I have never seen you so anxious like this before, Laur! - Vero said letting out a laugh.

-It's not for less, she's getting married! - it was Lucy's turn to speak.

Marry, marriage, Camila.

Oh my God!

I was going to marry Camila!

My subconscious shouted.

-Breathe, you are getting pale as paper. - Vero spoke touching my arm calmly.

-If it's even possible.

I looked at Lucy and rolled my eyes, which made her laugh.

-You don't want to get married anymore? - Vero asked seriously staring at me.

I took a deep breath and took another sip of my drink.

-It's what I want most in life, Vero. I'm just really nervous about it! I want everything to go well tomorrow.

-Everything will go smoothly tomorrow, Laur. - Lucy said holding one of my hands that was rested on the table.

-Exactly! Relax! Tomorrow will be a wonderful day in which you will tie yourself forever to Camila.

I let out a loud laugh, Vero always knew the right way to give humor to things.

-That was so rude. - Lucy spoke staring at her.

-What? - Iglesias asked looking at her - It's the truth! Marriage is a kind of prison, baby.

-That reminds me clearly why I don't get back with you!

-You better stay quiet, Iglesias. - I whispered to her.

-Lucy, baby! It's a prison, but that doesn't mean that I don't want to be arrested, right? In fact, I would love to be arrested with you and share a cell with you for the rest of my life. - she winked at my other friend who huffed.

-Shut your mouth, and go get me a drink. Before I get angrier with you, Veronica.

My best friend widened her eyes and stood up.

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