Whirlwind of feelings (32)

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Pov Lauren

Camila dug her nails roughly in my shoulders, letting out a dragged moan that drove me crazy. The woman rocked her hips fast making the desk shake while I penetrated her with two of my fingers. She was simply wonderful, completely naked and sweaty. Her hair was wild making it clear what we were doing on top of that desk. Her skin glowed due to the beads of sweat that were present there. From her slightly open mouth dirty words and gibberish came out at every instant increasing the arousal that I was feeling. God, that woman was maddening.

-God, Camila, I love when you moan like a little bitch! It turns me on so much! - I growled at the woman who moaned in such a hot way under me.

Yes, sex with Karla Camila still wasn't over. Let's say that in those instants we let out all of our internal anger with the sole goal of pleasure. I leaned forward capturing one of the Latina's breasts between my lips, sliding my tongue slowly over the pinky and delicious areola of her breast, which made the brunette moan softly to me. Impulsing me to continue, and so I sucked her nipple that was already extremely sensitive.

-Do you want to kill me?! - she asked agonized.

I opened a perverse smile, thinking that the only way that I would kill her would be of pleasure. She moaned amid her panting. Her mouth remained open not being able to contain the moans that escaped through it. I felt my fingers being crushed in the warm inside of that woman's body, the sensation was simply incredible. I thrust into her hard and fast like she begged in moans while I sucked on her nipple like a thirsty feline. Camila rocked her hips involuntarily against my fingers, her body was being commanded by the pleasure that I was giving her. I continued those intense movements until I felt the brunette cum for me.

Her chest rose and fell quickly in a mismatch breath. We were literally exhausted. I didn't even remember the last time that I had a marathon of consecutive orgasms. I let my body collapse on hers slowly, I felt weak.

-I can't ta... take it anymore... - she whispered tiredly, causing a weak laugh in me.

-Did I tire you?

-A lot, I think I won't be able to walk tomorrow.

I was with my head rested on her breasts, hearing the fast pace of her heartbeat. We were lying on my huge desk, completely naked. By luck or intention, the glasses were covered by the shutters that I had closed with Alexa's entrance in my office. At this hour all the employees were already in their homes, and I asked God that none had heard what happened inside here. What would be very unlikely of course, since our argument followed by moans and spanks had been pretty loud. I closed my eyes feeling Camila's small hand comb through my hair slowly in a soothing caress. Our breaths gradually subsided, letting only the noise of the violent storm outside fill the environment. I opened my eyes seeing our clothes thrown on the floor, remembering exactly the moment in which they were taken off. Oh my God.

-I can only be going crazy! - I spoke getting off from the top of the brunette who stared at me confused.

-What happened?

Her brown eyes seemed to not understand me.

-What do you mean "what happened"? I shouldn't have done this! - I exclaimed picking up my clothes from the floor - It's your fault!

-My fault?

I was picking up my clothes that were scattered on the office's floor fast enough as to not regret it.

-Yes, what have you done to me? Bewitched me?

Camila laughed as she slowly came down from the desk.

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