Masquerade Ball (36)

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NOTE: For a better reading when I point out in the chapter listen to the song "Sophomore by Ciara", and when I point out again listen to the album "Goddess by Banks" (you'll find it on YT, just listen to it until it's needed, you'll know when to stop) ;)


Pov Camila

I woke up lighter that morning, being well with Lauren made everything better. My mood, my patience and my state of mind. Everything very peaceful. Which could even make me afraid, things were never perfect for long in my life. Not that everything was already perfect, there were a lot of things that still needed to be solved.

I got up from bed, stepping with my tiptoes on that cold floor. While I stretched myself slowly, pushing away that morning laziness that attacked us. I walked towards the bathroom to then do my morning hygiene, getting dressed quickly, and then finding Dinah and Ally walking like crazies in the middle of the house.

-The morning already starts excitedly in this apartment, huh?

I spoke while serving myself with the breakfast goodies that Ally loved to prepare.

-Obvious, darling! Today we have the almighty's sister birthday party, or have you forgotten?

Oh God! Taylor's party was today. I widened my eyes almost choking with the juice.

-I see that she forgot. - Ally said smiling.

-Of course she forgot, she's on cloud nine thinking about Lauren.

-That's not true, Jane.

Dinah smiled, turning towards me.

-Camila, my love, I know you like the back of my hand. I know when you are being a sucker for someone. And for Jauregui you are level master sucker!

-You are so loving! - I said sarcastically.

Dinah and Ally laughed.

-I'm very happy, I feel that things with Lauren are starting to prosper.

-May God hear you, Mila.


-Hey, aren't you going to pack your bags? - Dinah looked at me confused - Taylor said that we need to bring other clothes, we'll stay the whole weekend. Your entry into the Jauregui family is being wonderful.

I squinted my eyes in mockery, which made Dinah laugh.

-I'll pack right away. I don't want to be late, after all we are going by helicopter.

Ally exchanged a quick glance with Dinah, opening a mischievous smile.

-Sorry if our boyfriends don't have a private helicopter, ok? But thanks to your girlfriend, we'll enjoy these treats.

-She's not my girlfriend!

-But she'll be soon.

I rolled my eyes. The jokes would never end. My best friends loved messing with me. That was not fair at all.

-Stop being idiots! I would go by car but Lauren practically ordered me to go the way she wanted. And included you two in this.

-Of course! We are a full package! - Ally smiled putting some clothes in her small suitcase.

-She wants Camila to get there as fast as possible to be with her. - Dinah said laughing.

-Lauren is very reserved so she's almost always alone, I feel good to be with her all the time.

-I imagine. She really seems to not let a lot of people into her territory.

-Yeah, she doesn't .

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