chapter 8

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2:05 p.m.

"I've been stocking them,they just got out of the airport not like we could go there but still." Roxi tells us laying on the couch upside down

"fuck the duck," I yell grabbing MY CAR keys I pick up my phone looking at the girls

"come on." I walk out of the house going to the car "Michael took pictures with fans," Roxi buckles up

I run up to his office well front desk and ask for him

"your a few minutes early sit down and I'll call you back when he's ready," the lass I hardly talk to tells me

"okay thanks." We sit down Roxi still on her phone stocking 5 seconds of summer

"oh my god,I just seen there car and it says there coming here on Twitter," Roxi freaks out jumping up and down I just look at her like she is crazy

"They may come in my office now." Aj tell the lass at the front desk I get up with Daisy in front of me and the others following behind we sit down

"in this meeting we are talking about the tour ,you will meet them today,you will have a different tour bus then them." Greg walks in the room

"you will be going on tour with ....-" a group of guys walk in

"with us." They yell sitting down

"so your parents meet them, I got stricted orders you are to be with them or in a hotel room or with AJ, you guys may not sleep in the same room as the girls,no touching the girls in anyway,girls hands off the guys,well I hope you will because it is illegal, be nice and friendly no kiss kiss word from Aj, most of the time you will be in a hotel room you actually will not have a bus," I watch them sit down Roxi and Faith are fan girling like there is no tomorrow

"You guys will be leaving today later with them,and all I ask is keep them in one piece," Greg looks at Faith and Roxi then to Daisy

"Babe I'm sorry, but it's not... it really hard, I don't want to hurt you anymore then this,I want to tell you in person, I'm going to miss you don't think I won't," I tell him give one last kiss walking away from him going over to Casey and Roxi

I pack my clothes my family is leaving today because Casey has a test tomorrow morning bright and early I put my clothes in my suitcase and other things in my backpack sad we have to leave a bed I just got not going to have one for a few months the tour starts in Sydney, Australia so we're going there first

Sydney, Australia is hot right I was always told it was hot I can ask Cody

Cods: is Australia hot ?
From Cods: no they just say it hot yah it's hot
Cods: okay I just need to know how to pack

"Australian guys are hot,Australia is hot along with the guys."Faith looks at pictures of Australian guys "and were going to be a tour with some,"Roxi looks at us "I'm going to meet Jeremy," Roxi tells us with a smile on her face "wear a long shirt or bracelets," I get up grabbing my bags looking at the girls

To Michael: so when are we leaving ?
To Michael: sorry it's just it's to much information.
To Faith: we're going on tour with 5 seconds of summer !!¡!!¡!!¡!!

So by my publisher I have to get pictures taken with Justin Bieber because of all the rumors going around about us being a "thing" I have to take pictures with Justin and his little brother,other things to then another one for pictures for my Instagram

(picture on top her and Justin)

I look out the window at the house I meet Michael Clifford, I have Luke,Ashton,Calum and Michael's number I hugged Michael Clifford, Michael Clifford is my favorite member. I wonder how they feel about me ? Well more importantly Michael he's only 19 it's not illegal ?

I had a photo shoot with my brothers, mom and dad but mostly Casey we actually went to Universal Studios because he wanted to see Hogwarts we went there and out she started for 4 hours just it that area he had so much fun we Justin and I took him my dad couldn't come because of the heat and he's sugars Casey did good along with his sugars so that was really fun Casey really likes Justin

It's 7 p.m. are family's leave 3 hours after us but we are leaving right now are family's came with to say bye before we left I didn't know 5 seconds of summer were so famous they have to have security guards to get on the plane I hug my family bye because I might not come back

Airplanes are scary to be on I've been on one to many times well in the same month I don't like it but dad told me it's not very likely for me to die

Airplanes,Air force, Airplanes planes , Planes, helicopter, flyer, Jet, Air all fly in the air but don't all have air in the name why well I don't know but it's all pretty much the same thing but different because of how they are made I think they have different purposes but I don't know Airport are the wait to get the the anxiety ride of your life but it's like I know I'm not gonna die it's just I don't know

will the fans like me ? will they hate me ? Do they even like me ?
Fans ? Do we really have any ? Do I have any? Do they know my name ? Do they like me ? will I get death threats ? Is that a thing ?
Dose Bae miss me ? will he miss me ? Is he mad at me ? What is Australia like ?

Why am I overarching about this,probably but I can't help it I'm sorry ?

I fall asleep over thinking everything

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