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"Get out of the way girl!" The red haired man said with a sinister smirk on his face. I had seen the fight. And the black haired man was losing. It was rather one sided if you asked me. They were both amazing and fast but the red haired man was far stronger. I couldn't let the beating continue so I intervened.

"I refuse. Why are you doing this?" The red haired man put a finger to his chin as he walked closer to me.

"Would you like to take his place? This fight has been long since over due. I'd be happy to kill both of you." I glared at the clown looking guy.

"People like you shouldn't exist." I hissed at him. He chuckled and was suddenly behind me. I gasped. How did he move so fast

"Do you even know him little girl?" I gulped and spun around to see the black haired man laying unconscious on the ground.

"No. I've never seen him before. I'm just doing what any good citizen would do."

"Very vallient of you. But rather stupid as well." He said walking closer to me. I glared at him defiantly.

"Aren't you going to defend yourself little girl?" He purred at me only an inch from me.

"I can't. I'm not strong or fast like you two. I just didn't want to see someone die right before my eyes." He put a finger under my chin and I had a gut feeling telling me that if I moved he would kill be in a blink of an eye.

"So in other words you're weak? And yet you want to protect someone you don't even know." I looked at his yellow eyes that looked highly amused. Then I smiled at him, catching him off guard and drop his sinister grin.

"Mm." I nodded my head once and closed my eyes with a wide smile.

"I'm weak. And I will protect that man until my last breath." I opened my eyes again to see his yellow eyes wide and a half smirk on his lips.

"Amusing. Very well. I'll let you take him and nurse him back to health. However.. If you should get in my way the next time I come for our agreed fight, I won't let that pretty little smile stop me." My eyes widened at his words and then he was gone. I dropped to my knees finally feeling my adrenaline going away and being replaced by undefined fear. The man started to stir so I looked at him.

"Are you okay?" I asked him crawling towards him. He opened his eyes at my voice and I noticed how beautiful his were. They were grey and hypnotizing. I shook my head as he stared at me.

"That man is gone. Is it okay if I take care of your wounds?" I asked him like I would a frightened child. He closed his eyes again and faxed back into unconsciousness. I fumbled trying to get him up so I could take him somewhere more warm and less dirty. He was heavier than I had originally thought.

"There we go." I gasped as I finally managed to get him up and leaning on me. His eyes snapped open again when I spoke and looked down at me.

"You're awake again?" I asked him almost dropping him. I had his arm around my shoulders and mine around his waist to make sure he could fall over. If he did I would go with him.

"Who are you?" He asked me in a calm and silky voice. I half smiled up at him.

"My name is Ryuk. I'm going to take care of your wounds if that's alright?" He raised an eyebrow at me but nodded. I smiled a closed eyed smile at him.

"Arigato. I'll make it fast. We just have to get to my home. Do you think you can walk a little bit?" He smiled a small smile.

"Of course. My wounds aren't that bad." He said but I gave him a hard look making his eyes widen a little.

"Don't try to act tough. I'm going to take care of you until you're better so don't argue with me." He smirked down at me with an amused facial expression but didn't say anything anymore.

Time skip to Ryuk's house.

"Sorry if it's kinda small." I told him laying him in my couch. I brought him a blanket and held it up with a blush.

"D-do you think you could undress so I can see what all is damaged? I-I won't l-look at y-y-your.... Um... Could you just..." I trailed off in embarrassment and turned my head away from him. My face was super red. I heard him unbuttoning his dirty and wrinkled dress shirt. Next his pants. Gulp.

"You can look now." He said taking the blanket down and wrapping it around his waist. I flushed even darker when I saw how toned he was but immediately set to work in counting his injuries.

"14 injuries. I'll heal them now if you don't mind." I murmered. He hadn't taken his eyes off me the entire time which was all the more flustering.

"Heal them?" He asked me with a raised eyebrow. I nodded.

"It's a gift I've had since I was younger. I had healed a bird and after that was called a miracle my some and a monster by others. I can also bring plants back to life. S-sorry I'm talking too much." I flushed and pushed him down onto the couch.

"It won't hurt I promise." I closed my eyes and felt everything flow out of me at once. I loved the feeling of pure love that I always felt when I was healing something or someone. It was so warm. When I was done I looked up with a soft smile to meet his wide grey eyes.

"I'm sorry. Did you get hurt somewhere else?" I asked in concern. He blinked and regained his composure after a half a second.

"No. I just wasn't expecting any of that. Is that a Nen ability?" He asked me just as a book suddenly appeared in his hand.


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