Show me How to Lie

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I woke up groggily. What had happened? I don't... I gasped and sat up quickly to see a short man standing in front of me. I wasn't bound. They must be confident that I wouldn't be able to escape.

"You're awake?" The short man asked me. I stared at him. Where was Chrollo-san? Why had he knocked me out? Was he actually working for my father? No it was total coincidence that I ran into him.

"Answer." The short man said sounding irritated.

"What's your name?" I asked him. I didn't want to ask him something starting with hey you.

"Feitan. I'll talk to her." I looked to a door way and saw Chrollo-san there. For some reason anger boiled up in me. Feitan walked out and Chrollo entered.

"Why did you do this? I healed you and kept you alive! I almost died so that stupid clown man wouldn't hurt you anymore! And you fucking kidnap me?!" I shouted enraged. He looked down at me amused which pissed me off even more.

"Because you have a rare gift Ryuk-san. Something that I can't take for myself, so I'll have to keep you with me instead." He sat down across from me on the ground and I really wanted to go over and at least hit him once.

"I want to hit you." I stated my thoughts out loud and the flushed and looked away.

"Hmm." Was all he said. I was still red and looking at the wall angrily. Ibfept him staring at me.

"I won't heal you. Even if you ask me Chrollo-san. And if there are other people besides Feitan-san then ibwont heal them either." I said looking at him again. His eyes got that dangerous look to them but as scared as it made me I still stared him down. I couldn't afford to just bite my tongue. Maybe if I just annoy him or refuse hell either kill me or take me back.

"Ryuk. You will. When I ask something if you, you will do it." My eyes widened and I stood up.

"Quit fucking arou-." He cut off my scream at him by suddenly grabbing me by the throat and slamming me to the wall behind me. He truly looked scary. My hands gripped his arm and I tried to kick him but he stepped on my feet to stop their movement.

"You will. Or your stay with me won't be very pleasant. There are other ways besides killing you Ryuk." He let me go but didn't move away as I gasped for air and gripped his shirt. He sounded so calm about all of this. Was he a true psychopath? I tried to push him away from me but he gripped my arms and held them against the wall on either side of me.

"When you fight against me with a kittens strength, it makes me confident that you'll help me against your will or not." I screamed at the sudden pain in my hands and looked to see a pen skewering both of them. Pens?

"Do you want to know who and what we are Ryuk?" He asked me still standing a mere 2 inches in front of me. I shook my head and cried to myself. I was being crucified right now.

"We are the Phantom Troupe. Everyone here are not far above mass murderers. What we want we steal. I've stolen you, and you'll stay with me for as long as you breathe." Mass murderers? No way. It can't be true... People like this actually exist?

"Then I'll kill...myself. I want... To heal people... Not you." I said through hiccups.

"You can try. However. It's not possible. Even if you were able to harm yourself fatally, someone would just stop the bleeding." His stupid calm voice echoed through my head. Was it really that hopeless? No. I wasn't going to give up. I tried to get my hands free but it hurt so bad.

"Oh well." I chuckled to myself. I looked at him dead in the eye to see his eyebrows raised. Just do it quick. The pain will be worst if I go slow. I pulled with all the strength I had and screamed as the pen left my hand but stayed embedded into the wall. With all the pain I used to punch him. It didn't seem to phase him, but he was highly surprised. His grey eyes were wide and now he had blood on his cheek. My blood.

"I told you quit fucking around." I told him panting as I fell against him and felt myself beginning to pass out. Before I did I felt him grip my shoulders and chuckle once.

"You would go so far, but its still futile. Now I'm even more interested."

Chrollo POV:

She had gone limp. She slept for almost two days and she hasn't eaten since I took her. Plus her hands bled quite a bit. I'll admit it took my off guard when she willingly ripped her hands free from the pens I'd embedded in them and even more so when she actually hit me like she said she wanted. She could get quite feral when she wanted to couldn't she?

"Machi." I called out quietly. The pink haired woman appeared behind me and I spun around handing her Ryuk.

"Close her wounds." Was all I said before walking out. Her hits didn't hurt but they had potential with some training. She said her father always tried to kill her. This must be the outcome of all his failed attempts. She learned self defense. Granted it would only work on a normal person without any special abilities or strength like Nen and years of training, but it could become quite effective.

"Danchou." Nobunaga called out to me. I turned to see him standing there and put all thoughts of Ryuk aside for now.

"Yea Nobunaga. We are going to avenge Uvo-san and Pakunoda. The chain user is working for the Nostrade as a body guard. We will search ever building ever owned by Light Nostrade and find him. We'll kill anyone and everyone that gets in our way. Have Shalnark start searching all of his places, all over the world." Nobunaga nodded and went to find shalnark.

"And now we can fight the chain user all out. Because we have Ryuk to revive anyone who gets killed or hurt."

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