This madness

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"Huh? What's Nen?" I asked him curiously. I sat down across from him and smiled for him to go on.

"Can you see the book I'm holding right now?" He asked me and something about him seemed dangerous in that moment.

"Yeah. Should I not see it?" I asked, confused. It was clear as day.

"How does you're ability work?" He asked me changing the subject. This guy was wierd. I chuckled and then stood up still giggling to myself.

"You're odd Chrollo-san." His eyes narrowed slightly but he stood up as well and followed me when I waved at him.

"I don't know everything about it. I've been able to revive flowers, animals and people for as long as I can remember. I just have to concentrate on love and warmness and it happens. This Nen you're talking about could be something, but I've never felt whatever it was that surrounded you're body when you pulled that book out before so I'm not so sure it is. But I know without it I wouldn't be living like this or anything. However if I didn't have it you could be dead by now and so could however many other people I've saved, so I guess if it means living like this then I'm happy saving lives."

We had walked from my house to a small pond outside as I talked and he hadn't looked away from me the entire time.

"You can wash all the blood and stuff off in here. I'll bring you something to wear until tour clothing is cleaned and dried."

"Wait before you go do you want to read this? It's pretty interesting?" He asked me holding up the book again. There was a glint in his eye that I caught and automatically became suspicious.

"Whats it about?" I asked him with a hard look. His eyebrows rose at the way I was looking at him but he quickly covered it up by looking down to unwrap the blanket I had given him. I flushed Scarlet and quickly spun away from him.

"C-could you please n-notify me next time?" I asked walking away from him. Why did I have to be in this awkward situation? I should hurry and wash his clothes so he can go on his way.

Time skip.

I was hanging his clothing on the wire on the side of my house. His white shirt was probably ruined but I didn't have anything for him to wear except the blanket for right now. At least it was a warm night. The clothes should be dry in a few hours.

"So you never did tell me if you wanted to read my book." I jumped and spun around with my hand in my heart.

"You scared me Chrollo-san." I scolded him with furrowed brows. It had been so peaceful the last half hour while he bathed. I wasn't expecting him to pop up behind me.

"Warui." He apologized with a small smirk.

"And you haven't told me what the book was about." His eyes narrowed again.

"Why don't you find out. It isn't any fun if I tell you about it." I had to agree with that.

"Fine." I grabbed the book with a pout that he chuckled at and looked at the cover. It had a handprint on it. That's pretty weird. His eyebrows knitted together as he studied me. I smiled and went to open it but suddenly it disappeared.

"Huh?" I looked up at him to see him watching me.

"You don't use Nen? If it isn't that then what are you?" He asked me. Did he use the book to see if I used Nen? That was interesting.

"I'm a human being just like you. I told you I didn't think it was Nen. You look tired Chrollo-san. Please rest for awhile." I told him taking him inside while making sure not to touch him.

"Your clothes should be dry shortly. For now you should rest your body." I told him as he laid back down on my sofa. I went into the kitchen and began heating up the curry I had made this morning for dinner. It was pretty late for dinner but oh well. I'm sure he was hungry, so was I. While I stirred it I thought back. What would have happened if I hadn't been able to save him? I wonder what kind of person he is.

"Well he felt a little dangerous not too long ago." I murmered to myself. He had. The look in his eyes while he was asking me questions before I made him take a bath told me he could get pretty dangerous. I shrugged it off as I put rive and the curry on a plate for him and another for me.

"Chrollo-san." I called his name as I walked into the living room. He looked up from what looked to be a deep thought and gave me a small smile as I handed him the plate.

"Would you ever want to come with me Ryuk-san?" He asked me after a few minutes of silence. I looked up from my curry to stare at him.

"Why do you ask? This is my home." I told him. Why would I go with this strange man who could possible be dangerous and deadly?

"Surely you'd like to have some excitement in your life?" He asked after swallowing another bite.

"No. I get enough excitement whenever my father tries to kill me for being who I am." I told him looking away and putting another bite in my mouth.

"I see." Was all he said as we fell back into silence. He wasn't one to talk much a suppose. When we finished I took our plates into the kitchen and began washing them. Suddenly I felt someone grab me and put a hand over my mouth. My eyes went wife as I thought maybe my father had hired someone else to take care of me. Then I heard him speak before everything went dark.

"Sorry Ryuk-san. But if I can't steal you're abilities then that means you're going to have to come with me. Your healing isn't something I'm going to let get away."

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