Another time

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"Get out of the way girl!" The red haired man said with a sinister smirk on his face. I had seen the fight. And the black haired man was losing. It was rather one sided if you asked me. They were both amazing and fast but the red haired man was far stronger. I couldn't let the beating continue so I intervened.

"I refuse. Why are you doing this?" The red haired man put a finger to his chin as he walked closer to me.

"Would you like to take his place? This fight has been long since over due. I'd be happy to kill both of you." I glared at the clown looking guy.

"People like you shouldn't exist." I hissed at him. He chuckled and was suddenly behind me. I gasped. How did he move so fast

"Do you even know him little girl?" I gulped and spun around to see the black haired man laying unconscious on the ground.

"No. I've never seen him before. I'm just doing what any good citizen would do."

"Very vallient of you. But rather stupid as well." He said walking closer to me. I glared at him defiantly.

"Aren't you going to defend yourself little girl?" He purred at me only an inch from me.

"I can't. I'm not strong or fast like you two. I just didn't want to see someone die right before my eyes." He put a finger under my chin and I had a gut feeling telling me that if I moved he would kill be in a blink of an eye.

"So in other words you're weak? And yet you want to protect someone you don't even know." I looked at his yellow eyes that looked highly amused. Then I smiled at him, catching him off guard and drop his sinister grin.

"Mm." I nodded my head once and closed my eyes with a wide smile.

"I'm weak. And I will protect that man until my last breath." I opened my eyes again to see his yellow eyes wide and a half smirk on his lips.

"Amusing. Very well. I'll let you take him and nurse him back to health. However.. If you should get in my way the next time I come for our agreed fight, I won't let that pretty little smile stop me."

I had forgotten all about that man. The two people that I had fatefully met that day. One of them being the man that gave me everything I never had, including unquenchable desire for him.

The other being the one I didn't know if ever meet again. That is...

Until now.

"Ryuk?" Chrollo called as I stood up. He had randomly showed up. When I felt his aura and stopped him from entering the base where everyone was either sleeping or trying to, his warning had been exactly as he said. If I was the way I used to be, I would definitely be dead by now. I was bleeding from my forehead and arms. My chest was probably bruised. Everything ached.

"Ryuk?" Chrollo called again feeling my aura in distress. When he finally came outside he saw the man that had almost killed him the first time we met and me barely standing in my own two feet.

"Hisoka. I should have known it would be you. I see your giving our Ryuk more trouble." Chrollo stated in a calm voice but the tone was sharp and dangerous. His grey eyes probably stabbing this man with 10,000 pens right now. Hisoka was his name? It suits him some how.

"Our fight got interrupted last time Danchou." Hisoka sneered the word. He used to be a member?! I mean I knew the two had a history just judging from how much Hisoka wanted to kill him last time, but I didn't know he was an ex member.

He has a lot of problems with people betraying him doesn't he? Is that why he just sees people as abilities? Makes a little more sense now.

"Well I'm here now. No need for you to continue fighting members." My eyes narrowed at his words. Like I would let him get hurt! The nerve this guy has! I stood straighter and spread my arms out. As a shield of a sort.

"Like I'd ever let that happen Chrollo, you idiot." Hisoka glared at me with a hint of actual anger.

"I warned you to not get in my way again. This is the third time now." I couldn't help but smirk when I saw I was getting under his skin. He threw cards at us but I blocked them with Nen feathers. Now that Chrollo was here, I could use my Nen to defend him.

"And I still won't let you touch him again." I half snarled and half grinned.


Did she really think she could take on Hisoka? It is true that she was strong now. Strong enough to complete jobs on her own and strong enough to do the ultimate job I've granted her, but Hisoka was on an entirely different level then what she was used to. This wasn't a mock fight with a Troupe member, where I always watched to make sure she wasn't harmed that badly.

But she seemed so... Confident. And her wolfish grin was actually unsettling me. She starting to get excited about fighting someone so strong. Should I allow her to handle this and do her job? Or should I just intervene and kill Hisoka where he stands for bringing this irresistible side of her out when I couldn't.

This confident and savage side of her, was not the Ryuk I've trained and manipulated into joining the Spider for my own personal gain.

This woman standing before me was amazing. She wasn't being manipulated, this is where she wanted to be more than anything now. She had grown out of her frightened shell, and stands before me now a true monster.

Yet, she still has that soft side that only myself and certain members see. She was dangerous, not because of her ridiculously fast learning ability or amazingly good fighting skills or Nen ability due to her fast learning ability. But because she could go from the dangerous creature in front of me now, to a blushing and gentle yet turned on mess whenever I get too close to her. Because she can keep this side hidden better than those with years and years of practice and training.

"Those are the kind of words I was hoping to hear." Hisoka broke my wondrous thoughts with his words. I had been so busy appraising and getting rather turned on by the new and improved woman in front of me, I had missed the bloodlust now radiating from both of them.

"How about you stop talking and come at me clown-boy."


Yo. Next chapter: Ryuk vs Hisoka. Seriously, I think iss gon be guud! Mwahahahaha. Sorry about the late updates. I've been obsessed with skyrim for the last few weeks haha. And I finally just bought the gigantic house in solitude Ao I'm extremely proud of myself.

Don't forget to vote and comment guys. Thank you for reading :)

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