A Second too late.

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We all walked through the city of York Shin. I had completed everything I could in the time I was given. Chrollo thought it would be a good idea for me to come.

"The first one to find him will fight him. If they're defeated someone will take their place. We'll kill anyone who interferes. Listen to my order." Chrollo paused for a moment as everyone stopped walking. He walked ahead a few feet before turning around.

"Go crazy. Absolutely crazy. Once we get into the building kill everyone." Everyone felt excited at his words.

"Ryuk. You stay with me at all times." I widened my eyes at his words while we began walking again and everyone was behind us. Both of our trench coats flapping behind us as we walked.

"But I'm okay to fight. You taught me-."

"I taught you what you asked for in order to defend your Spider. The skills we've taught you is not for battle its to defend yourself and whoever you're trying to heal on a battle field." He spoke to me in a calm way. I put my head down.

"Sorry. I guess I got carried away." I murmered putting my head down and looking at our feet. I felt him looking at me so I looked back to him.

"Your ability is irreplaceable. You may be good but your not on even our level yet. You still need plenty of training before I'll ever let you go from my side to fight." I glared at him again.

"We're back to just my ability huh?" I mumbled to myself but inwa sure he caught it when he sighed.


"Just drop it Chrollo. I'm tired of hearing you go on and on about my ability alone." I unteruppted him in a hiss. He sighed again but didn't say anything else.

We walked with all 13 of our members. Chrollo and I up front in our coats. Phinks, Feitan, Franklin, Nobunaga and Machi all at the front behind us. Kalluto, shalnark, Shizuku, Bonolenov and our newest member, Jeen behind them.

Behind them were Kortopi was in back because Chrollo said he was the weakest out of us but had the second most interesting ability next to mine.

"Hold it right there!" A few men with guns pointed at us yelled as we walked up to the hotel building the chain user was in. I could sense more auras inside.

"Chrollo. There are more inside. They all seem fairly strong." I informed him. He nodded as he stared down the people blocking our path. Our newest member suddenly rushed forward with his knives in his hands and chains wrapped up his arms.

I was always surprised when I saw his ability. He would send invisible purple ribbons made out of Nen with his knives that were visible. If they dodged the knives they could dodge the ribbons and usually ended up strangled to death or with broken necks.

"His ability is really pretty." I murmered. I felt Chrollo look at me so I blushed and looked away quickly. I wasn't sure why but his facial expression seemed irritated by my comment.

"Go crazy." Chrollo said quietly before all the Troupe members rushed in after Jeen. I went to walk forward but was grabbed by my coat fur.

"Huh?" I asked as Chrollo kept his hand on me.

"I said you were staying by my side." He reminded me. I flushed and looked away.

"I thought we were going in too. Don't look at me like that." He chuckled and pulled me tightly to him making my already pink face turn Scarlet red.

"What are you doing?" I shouted. He smirked down at me.

"We're going to the roof to look at our Requiem. We're very good at creating them and I like watching them happen. Plus we can see if anyone needs your help from there." My hands tightened on his coat when he jumped up using the building next to the hotel to jump to and from while making his way to the roof.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were getting used to being close to me." He chuckled when we made it to our destination. I looked away and folded my arms across my chest.

"Well if I didn't know any better I'd say you enjoyed pulling me close to you." I retorted back at him. Suddenly his lips were at my ear.

"Is there anything wrong with that Ryuk?" My eyes widened and I jumped away from him at the shock of his words. In my shock I didn't account for the space between Chrollo and the edge. My eyes widened in fear as I reached out for Chrollo when I felt myself falling.

"Chrollo." I whsipered as he reached out for me and his eyes widened when he missed. I fell off and braced myself for impact. I couldn't use my Nen to cushion my fall because I was using a vow and limitation that only let's me use it for the Troupe. I couldn't use it for myself.

Suddenly I felt arms around me and looked to see the newest member Jeen grinning down at me. He landed on his feet before running even faster than Chrollo does while keeping me against him.

"What are you doing?" I asked in a panic. I looked back to see Chrollo watching us leave with an angry glare.

"Let me go Jeen!" I shouted trying to get out of his arms. He grabbed me by the neck.

"Your father asked me to find you. I did. I just didn't know if have to deal with the Troupe to get to you. This was complete coincidence however. I never expected to see you fall off of the roof. This last week in the Troupe I've come to get interested in your ability. Both of them. So instead of killing you I'm gonna keep you for myself. Don't worry. I'll give you more freedom then that Chrollo did."

I looked back at Chrollo to see him dropping off of the roof as JeeJeen spoke. He had let go of my throat about half way through his story and Chrollo was still very far behind us.

"I don't want freedom. I want to be with my spiders!" I shouted at him. I didn't think he was this strong or fast. But he was obviously confident enough to rival with the Phantom Troupe in order to get me.

"Shut up for now. I'll take good care of you. And you will. Even if I have to use force to break your Will. Maybe I'll make you marry me so you won't have a choice in the matter." My eyes widened at his words. The last thing I remember was his sinister laughing before everything went dark.

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