Safe and sound

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3rd POV

Chrollo stood there unable to stop her. She looked absolutely beautiful to him. Better then any treasure he could find at an auction or massacring a village. Her trench coat that almost matched his flew behind her as she waited for the ex member to attack her with impatience.

Her red hair had grown alot since she first joined. Her golden eyes that are normally soft and looking at him with many emotions looked cold and eager for blood.

Hisoka seemed to be watching her and studying her. He was in fact taken off guard with this girl. The last time he saw her, she almost died to protect a stranger. She was so weak that all she could do was smile and agree with it.

But now she stood before him like a queen protecting her people. A barrier. For the first time in his life, he actually felt respect for someone. And an uncanny need to kill her and show Chrollo how stupid it was to fall in love with someone in the lifestyle he lives.

Hisoka hadn't missed it for even a moment. He knew as soon as they looked at each other. Sexual frustration. Longing. His eyes caught the slight movement of her golden trench coat that held a large web on the back.

But then he saw nothing there. Chrollo's eyes widened at the same time Hisoka's did. She disappeared. Hisoka was the first to see her as she kicked him from behind and sent him flying a few feet away from his previous spot. He landed easily on his feet, but he he had been taken off guard.

She didn't give him a single moment to comprehend what had happened as she attacked again again relentlessly. She was suddenly stronger! She had been losing before Chrollo came out here. Now Hisoka couldn't even get enough space between them to pull out a card and keep up with her fast movements.

He had caught site of her eyes. They were... Glowing? Her eyes were actually glowing. When he had finally been hit for the umpteenth time he grew irritated and decided to go on the offense.

Chrollo watched as both of them seemed to go invisible with speed during their fight. All he could hear was grunting. He had no idea Hisoka was this fast. He had an idea that Ryuk was. She'd been training with Feitan for awhile now for nights and days in end. He knew she was fast but hadn't realized she was on Feitan's level yet.

Suddenly blood splattered on his face and he focused on the fight to see Ryuk bent over and clutching her now empty arm socket. His eyes widened as he moved without even having to tell himself to. With a Benz knife in hand he charged forward and made sure to catch Hisoka before he jumped away. Hisoka licked the wound and smirked at the duo.

So he wouldn't let her get badly hurt after all. This was perfect for him. Now he knew both of their weaknesses.

"I'll let you in on a little secret Danchou. The love you have for that girl will be the death of both of you. By my hands." Hisoka said before disappearing again. Though he had won it came at a cost. He hadn't left unscathed by any means. Even he knew he would lose if he fought Chrollo in his current state. Especially with him being 100% and pissed off.

Chrollo bent down and picked up Ryuk gently. He would worry about what Hisoka said after Ryuk was fixed.

"Machi!" He called in a normal but anything but calm voice.

"She's gone. I have arm. I'll stop bleeding until Machi come back." Feitan said pulling out a needle. That's all that could be done for now. Chrollo nodded slowly and left the room. Damn that Hisoka. He had seen right through him. And worse? He had information on him now that was terrifying if it got out there. Chrollo thought as he paced around the bedroom he had been sleeping before he woke up and felt Ryuk in distress.

" I'll let you in on a little secret Danchou. The love you have for that girl will be the death of both of you. By my hands." Had been his words and Chrollo knew they were anything but false. In fact. They were the worse threat he could ever hear from anyone. Because back then when he received threats from angered people. He didn't have anything to lose.


That's a completely different story now. And now that was only too clear.

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