Hurting Perfection

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Jennifer was talking to Cecilia again. Their boring conversations about school and college made my stomach churn and my pale skin turn a pale green with disgust. They acted like they didn't have anything better to talk about like daring stunts, music, parties, and hey maybe a little conversation about cute boys now and then. It was always the same between them. First they would meet up in the band hall, then after Jennifer's 1st period band, they would talk the rest of 2nd period English, 3rd period Algebra, 4th period Science, and 5th period History about stupid stuff no one even understands except them.

I adjusted the earphone that was hidden by using my long black and blonde hair and my gray collared shirt. The teacher would begin teaching soon and Jennifer and Cecilia would stop their conversations just to listen to what he had to say. I, on the other hand, would continue to listen to my depressing music that talked about cutting, suicide, and crappy relationships where girls end up being whores. By the end of this period, my notebook would be covered in sketches and doodles and my desk would be filled with empty worksheets and untouched work.

Jennifer's hazel-green eyes found my gray colored contact eyes hidden behind glasses that contained a worried look on her face. Her dyed red hair fell in a straight pile just past her shoulders as she turned quickly to scowl at me. Just from our brief eye contact, I knew that she wanted me to do my work so I could get a good grade like her. Too bad I wasn't going to do what she told me to. Sinking lower into my sit, I gave her a smirk until she turned around with a shake of her head.

The bell rang and I quickly sprang out of my seat before I could be dismissed by the teacher. I made it to the large snack bar area the school had that was at the entrance of the 300 hall. It was an extension to the cafeteria and only people with the Hawk Award could sit there with a friend during lunch. Jennifer caught up to me practically breathless from trying to catch up to me as soon as possible.

"Jazz, you're beginning to become careless. Mom and dad won't like it, you know." Jennifer began to say to me with a kind tone in her voice. Her lisp extending the double s in the word careless. I had one too, but no one noticed it unless they made me talk more than two syllables at one time.

"Jen, I really don't care about what they think. They don't even know I exist anymore. You're their little princess. You should be happy that you're still under their radar." I shot at her angrily. I was sick of her telling me what I should do to please the strangers I lived with that she called mommy and daddy.

"I didn't know you felt that way." Her voice quivered. I know I hurt her, but I wasn't going to apologize.

Her boyfriend, Luis approached us. His curly black hair in a halo around his tan head. He was unattractive in my eyes and a guy who tried too hard to be a badass. Jennifer was completely happy with him and I would never fully understand why. Her eyes lit up and embraced him as he walked the opposite way to his class inside the 300 hall. I stood there and looked at them with a great disgust.

"Who were you talking to just now, Jen?" His voice was almost like a kids and every word had a sound of happiness.

"I was talking to Jazz." Jennifer said pointing at me.

"Um... Jen? There's no one there..." His voice trailed off with a bit of concern. I had sprinted off without either of them noticing me.

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