Lost Memories

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"Jen, who is Jazz? Maybe I can help you look for her?" Luis asked, confused.

"Jazz is my twin sister, Luis. She sits with us at lunch sometimes." Panic rushed through me. I couldn't believe Jazz could disappear so quickly. I felt like a horrible sister because of what Jazz told me moments earlier.

"You have a twin sister? Who sits with us at lunch? Do you have a fever? You feeling okay? I can take you to the nurse." I pursed my lips. Why was he pretending that Jazz didn't exist? Cecilia did the same thing earlier when Jazz was sitting right behind us in English class. I just hope it was all a big joke.

"I'm okay. I'll just go to class now." The tardy bell's ring echoed loudly as I shuffled my way up the stairs into the 200 hall. When I stood in front of the door, I hoped that Jazz would be sitting in her usual seat doodling in her thick, purple notebook, mouthing the words of whatever song she was listening to at the moment. Her eyeliner rimming the gray contacts she wore would be a bit smudged from the extensive wear and her thin lips would form a frown at my enterance. Her gray collared shirt and her dark blue bell bottom jeans would stand out from the sea of red and black uniforms in the room.

I opened the door, only to see that everyone was there, except my sister. I shuffled in feeling embarrased at my tardiness and sat in my usual seat next to Kelvin. I ignored Mr.Zamora's pestering questions of why I was late, knowing I had no excuse. I rummaged through the mess in my backpack until I found my purple Algebra book that contained stickers that made me smile everytime I saw them.

I closed my eyelids, which looked purple because of the lack of sleep I got at night. I thought about Jazz and how she told me that I was the princess and she was just nonexistent to our parents. It wasn't true though. We loved her, maybe she was just getting distant from us. She rarely attended family meals and never went anywhere unless she sneaked out of her bedroom window. We all used to be a family, I don't remember when she got so distant. Actually, I don't remember much of her before the fire.

My eyes fluttered open from that thought, concern flooding though me. That wasn't right. I clearly remember having a family trip to the beach a few months before the fire. I tried recalling that trip, but Jazz's absence in that memory. The fishing trip we all went with dad. I could only remember that mom, dad, and I were there catching a huge variety of fish. Was that why Jazz was mad at me? Because I couldn't remember our perfect Kodak moments when we were all happy? I promised to myself I would make it up to her, I would just have to let her reappear.

I looked back to Jazz's usual seat and noticed a girl named Aleida sitting there. Jazz would've never allowed it.

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