Chapter Thirteen

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I am woken by a kick. I hurriedly wake Peeta by placing his hand on my abdomen.

"The kicks are more clear now," he says. "You can almost see it!"

Peeta is smiling ear to ear.

"I can't wait to hold him in my arms," I say.

"What? " Peeta says. "It could be a girl!"

"I don't know," I say. "I have this gut feeling that it's a boy, but I could be wrong.

Peeta shoots me a smile. "We have to think about names!"

"Well," I admit. "I fell in love with the name Rye, for a boy."

"I love it," Peeta says as a tear sheds from his eye. "And for a girl?"

I give him a puzzled look. "I haven't thought of anything yet. Maybe you can help me out."

Peeta nods. "Of course."

Peeta stands up and pulls his jump suit back on.

"We'd better get going. We have to tell coin that we accept the job."

I nod, and slip my jumpsuit on. "Peeta, do you mind if we run to the laundry room after? I have to pick up a bigger size jumper," I say with a laugh.

Peeta smiles and rubs my stomach.

"Anything for my girl," he whispers.


Peeta and I knock on the door of President Coin's office. She comes to the door, and greets us with a smile.

"Come in!" She says.

"What brings you here?"

Peeta does the speaking. "We'd like to accept your proposal. We will lead your rebellion."

Coin nods her head, and gives me a smile. "Thank you!" She says. "You two will be a great addition to our team. Katniss, we will begin prepping your outfits right away, and we will shoot a propo in District 8 later today."

"Wait," I say objectively. "We have some conditions."

Coin frowns, but allows me to speak.

"We want guarantee safety for us, our family and Gale. Also, I want my sister to be able to keep her cat."

"Anything else?" Coin says.

"Well, I say. Peeta and I both think that you should save Johanna and Annie from the capital. It's not fair for them to be tortured. Beetee and Finnick are here, so why shouldn't they?"

Coin places her hands on the table in front of us. "I can not assure you that we will be able to save them, but we will do our best to try. Now will you please come to a fitting at 9:00?"

"Yes." I reply.

"Okay, see you in an hour. Also, thank you for doing this."

Coin shuts the door behind us, and we make our way to the dining hall.

I sit down next to Gale. Across from me is my mother and Prim.

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