Chapter 18 - Miss Me?

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My head snaps up at the familiar voice. Deep and rough, but with a soft edge and a hint of a Spanish accent. Thank god, I think, he's here.

"Robin!" I yell, running to the side of the Fina. Sure enough, looking out over the sea from the graying wooden dock is the familiar face of an old friend. "For hell's sake, don't you shave anymore?" 

"Aye, there you are! I've missed your angry nagging!" He shouts to me, grinning wide.

"And I miss when you didn't have gross facial hair!" I holler back, spitting at him. 

He just laughs when the saliva lands on the ground next to him. "You gonna let me up or not?"

I scowl, mentally kicking myself for asking the man for help. He's one of the most irritating people I've ever met, next to Olive, and he will probably never let me hear the end of this. Asking for help, in a pirate's life, is a proclamation of one's weakness. Even so, there's no denying how much we need his help. He's got a crew, and that's just what we need.

Plus, Robin's always more than happy for an opportunity to see Liv.

"Stop gloating, and maybe!" I yell. Robin sticks out his tongue like a five year old, which makes me laugh. "Fine!" I yell, grabbing the rope nearest to me and throwing it down to him. He catches it in his muscled arms.

"Crew's coming!" He calls, walking to the side of the ship with the rope.

Robin's a good guy, but he brings back bad memories. When we met him, he worked as a deckhand on The Encantador. Nowadays, he captains his own ship, The Aceituna.

I laughed when he told me that Aceituna is Olive in Spanish.

"You've gotten shorter!" He laughs, pulling me from my thoughts.

The man standing in front of me is unacceptably stunning. It's not fair how beautiful he is. Worst thing is, he knows it. He smirks at me, leaning against the railing.

"What's wrong?" He laughs. "Am I too hot for you, chica?"

To which I responded with a sharp, back-handed slap.


"What the--?!"

The moment is interrupted by a piercing scream. While Robin curses, covering his ears, I look to the sky.

"THAT FRIGGIN GOOSE!" A familiar voice exclaims. I fight the urge to chuckle as Olive storms up to the deck, waving her sword in the air. "I'LL KILL YOU, I SWEAR!" I see a sly smile spread across Robin's face out the corner of my eye. He sneaks off toward Olive while I squint at Pete.

"Ye get down here!" I shout. The parrot is beginning his spiraling descent. When he finally comes within reach, still screaming, I grab him by the wings. He squawks for a second more, but shuts up when I clamp my hand around his beak.

Olive is walking toward me, not seeing Robin following behind her.

"I swear, if that thing comes down here one more time--"

"You'll kill it? Yea, I figured," I smirk, watching Robin who is giving her bunny ears with a boyish grin on his face.

"Not just kill it," She fumes. "Impale it with a skewer and grill it alive!"

"No need to be so violent, Livi," Robin says in her ear. 

Her eyes widen with surprise as she spins around. "What the hell--Robin?!" The look on her face is absolutely priceless.

"That's me," He chuckles, pulling her into the quickest embrace I've ever seen, and an even quicker kiss on the cheek. "Miss me?"

"Ha, you wish," She smirks, pulling back. While she's distracted, I let go of Pete, who is smart enough to flap off without further disruption. "What are you doing here?"

"Heard you needed help," He laughs, giving her cheek a playful pinch. She gives him a pointed glare.

"Do not."

"Do too."

"Do not!"

"Do too!"

"Oh my lord, would y'all stop?"

"Fine," Olive snaps. I laugh because I know that they drive each other crazy, but at the same time they're crazy for each other. She turns to Robin with the slightest hint of a smile. "Good to see you."

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