Chapter 26 - Beautiful

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"Beautiful" might not be the first word that comes to mind when you look at Olivia. The first thing you notice is the muscle or the formidable looks. The scowl, the square jaw, the hard blue eyes. 

It's intimate moments like these when she really is just beautiful. Livi watches me watch her, a rare vulnerability on her face. I at this point, I could crack her wide open with only a few more words.

I don't. Instead, I lay down next to her. Livi doesn't respond immediately, but sidles closer, allowing me to slip my arm around her waist.

"I..." She begins, running her cold fingertips along my chest. "I love you too."

"Hm, you don't sound sure."

She rolls onto my stomach, cupping my face in her hands. "I am."

She kisses me, long and deep. When she begins to pull away, I bite her lip and pull her back into my mouth. She straddles over me, her hair falling over us like a curtain. But I want her closer. I sit up and wrap my arms around her waist, tucking my head beneath hers.

"Robin," she murmurs. "We can't do this--" she stops talking as my fingers linger along her waist, giving a little sigh. My lips brush over hers.

"Stop saying that," I whisper. "We can do whatever we want to."

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