Chapter 14 - How Does It Feel

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I went to visit Brett that morning. I didn't know if it was against the rules, because he had Peter, but I needed to talk to him. He always had something kind or supportive to say, and I needed reassurance that not everyone hated me.

But he didn't open the door. Olivia did.

Her face contorted into an expression of pure loathing the moment she saw me. I stuck my foot in the door crack, knowing she was about to slam it shut.


"Go away!" She snapped, eyes flashing. Standard Olivia.

"I just want to talk to Brett," I told her, trying to avoid eye contact. "That's all." 

Olivia glared at me, still pulling the door shut on my foot. I winced, determined not to be intimidated by my little sister.

"Well he's not here so beat it!" Olivia pulled the door again, causing me to let out a little cry of pain. Her expression didn't change. If anything, it hardened. "Just leave and there doesn't have to be any trouble, okay?"

"Trouble like how?" I challenged.

"Trouble like I'm going to punch you in the face if you don't get out of here right now!"

Well, then.

"Liv, I don't want this to come between us--"

"Well no one gives a damn about what YOU WANT!" Olivia screamed, startling me. The door flew open and before I knew it, I found myself pinned up against the wall.

"LIV--" Her fist collided with my face, sending a sharp wave of pain through my jaw. I wasn't strong enough to push her away.

"How does it feel?" She spat. "How does it feel to have someone you love hit you!" Her voice rips, sending a shiver down my spine.

"Olivia, please--" I didn't get to finish before she punched me in the stomach, knocking the wind out of me. "STOP!" I gasped, sinking down on the wall. The pain astonished me. The only time I could remember feeling worse was giving birth to Aiden. The emptiness in the pit of my stomach, the agonizing hollowness in my lungs. I couldn't get enough air.

"You," She snarled, bringing her foot down on my kneecap. Fireworks followed by a painful kind of numbness erupted in my leg. I let loose another cry, but Olivia ignored me, kicking me in the side. "You deserve it -- you deserve to--" She was cut off by her phone ringing.

Thank god, she took the call.

Realizing I was alone, I let myself cry. Olivia had gone so suddenly. My first instinct was to stand, but my legs didn't agree. I still couldn't breath.

I needed to get out before Liv came back. 

Her violent attack had been beyond unexpected. Yes, Olivia was a bit impulsive. Yes, she was generally aggressive. But I'd never thought that she would actually hurt me. I suppose I was wrong.

"What?!" The scream from the end of the hall jarred me from my reflections, ripping through my head and puncturing my thoughts. "NO!" Was that Olivia? What was she yelling about?

"Liv," I dared to call. My voice was a thin rasp, hardly of any substance. "What- what happened?" She stormed back toward me, her face red with ire and her eyes wild with panic. What could anyone have possibly said to get Olivia so riled up in a total of forty five seconds?

She didn't respond, just walked right past me like she didn't see me. At least she seemed done beating me up. But at the same time, I needed to know what had happened.

"Olivia!" I called, my voice a bit stronger this time. "What happened?" She turned around this time, glaring at me with a terrifyingly livid glint in her eye.

"This is ALL your fault!" She screamed suddenly. That was when I noticed the tears in her eyes. I was itching to know what had happened, and there was a thick sense of dread bubbling beneath my skin, growing heavier every moment.

"What happened?" I was desperate to know. Did it have something to do with the boys? Were they in danger?

"Come with me," She snapped, turning her back to me so that I couldn't analyze her face to find my answer.

"Where are we going?" I asked, forcing myself to my feet. My legs throbbed, but I followed Olivia down the hall. She didn't answer me until we got into the elevator. I worried she might resume her violence, but she didn't even look at me, let alone hit me.

"On a ship," She replied. Then she was silent.

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