Chapter 36 - Stars

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The Fina was abuzz with activity. 

My heart still pounded wildly from the fight. Well, their fight. I'd hidden behind a stack of rotting barrels, listening to the chorus of shouts and yells with my eyes closed and my fists clenched. Still, I'd only swung back onto the ship ten minutes ago. My body hadn't recovered from the thrill, yet.

I couldn't stand still. I didn't know what to do else with myself, so I searched for my family.

I hadn't seen Cory, Brett, Peter, or, oddly enough, Olivia. I stood on the quarterdeck, searching for their hair in the crowd of covered heads. Imagining Peter stumbling through the crowd, alone and afraid, I hopped down from the deck to pursue them with more effective methods.

"CORY!" I screamed, pushing through the dense cloud of pirates covering the foredeck. "PETER! OLIVIA?!" 

"Who ye' be looking for?"

I jumped at the sound of Bill's voice. "Oh. Hi."

"Who be Cory?" He asked.

I answered with a frown. "My husband."

"Is he here . . . ?"

"That's what I'm trying to find out," I snapped. 

"Were ye lookin' fer Ramsey, too?" He asked quietly, so quietly that I hardly heard him.

I gave him a skeptical look. "Ramsey?"

"Yer sister."

"Her name is Olivia."

He looked away from me, glaring at the stars. They were quickly fading as morning approached. "Ye di'n't know 'er as well as ye thought."

"What?" I asked. "What are you talking about?"

"Her last name. She changed it to Ramsey."

"When did that happen?" I asked in bewilderment. Olivia had done some crazy things in her life, but I would have never guessed she'd change her name.

Bill sighed, turning back toward me. "She was engaged, too. When he died, she changed her name anyway."

I squinted at him, opening my mouth to spit out a retort, but then I realized something. He'd been talking about her in past tense. "Where is she?" He didn't respond. "Bill! Where is she?!" He started to walk away, but I grabbed the collar of his shirt, holding him back. "Tell me!"

He took a deep breath, letting me hold onto his arm. He looked back to the fading canvas of stars, the velvet blue of the sky waning into dusky cobalt. Wrapping his muscled arms around me, he began to cry.

"She's up there, now," He whispered. "She's gone."

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