Chapter Twelve: Secondary Puberty

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Blake grabbed me off the ground and held me up like I was a child. In a instant we were dashing through hallways and crowds of people with my newly found tail whipping behind us.

He practically broke down Miss. Rook's door while she was in the middle of treating none other than Noodles with Sam right behind them. I guess breaking down the door wasn't the best idea because Miss. Rook ripped out the injection she was giving Ramen out of his arm, and shot backwards on her desk chair.


He put me on the ground, grabbed me by the shoulders and spun me around so my back was facing everyone.

"We have a bigger problem here." Blake said

Miss. Rook rushed over to me and grabbed my tail. A jolt of pain shot all the way up my spine. I slapped her hands away and cradled my new appendage.

"Blake, how fast do you think you can get Jackos here?" She asked

"Heh, nobody can outrun Death." He smirked and sped off once again

"Alex, I'm going to need you to lay down on you stomach on the cot over there. Let me finish up with Ramen first."

I limped over to the small bed and flopped onto the white linen. My wound was still open, so I could feel the sheets around me slowly filling up with blood. I had a feeling any blood sucker within a mile of this room was going crazy right about now.

"Alex, what the hell happened?!" Sam asked

She kneeled down next to me and wiped away some of the blood on my legs.

"I have no god damned clue. One second I was trying not to be killed by Clark and his friend, the next second BAM. Insta tail." I mumbled

"Clark? Huh...he is usually so well controlled...." She replied

"I got Jackos!" Blake said reappearing in the doorway.

Jackos was breathing heavily and trotted in behind Blake. However, one look at me caused him to stop breathing all together.

"So, this is why you dragged me from the middle of my class..." He sighed

Jackos pulled out his little brown flask and took a swig. He sat Miss. Rook's chair and scooted over to my cot. He gingerly grabbed the end of my tail and looked over the bumpy surface.

"Interesting..." He mumbled

"What's so interesting, other than the fact I grew a fucking tail..." I grumbled

"Well two things we must discuss. First of all how old are you Alex?" He asked

"H-how old am...What the hell dose that have to do with anything?" I asked

"Just answer the question before I snap your tail in half."

"Fine, Fine....I turned 18 in August, why?"

"Well that explains why you got a full fledged tail..."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, normally humans and supernatural beings alike enter puberty around age 12 to 16. However, that isn't where it ends for us. Monsters have what we like to refer as a secondary puberty, where the soul manifests and reaches its full magical potential. This usually happens around ages 14- 20. What's weird is, that extra appendages like tails and wings don't come out full grown like this...They start out small and grow up from there. That's why it was so painful to suddenly have a full grown tail sprouting from your backside." He explained

"Then why did that happen? Why does it suddenly wanna appear now?" Sam asked for me

"Well that's where everything falls into place. Alex, right before the tail appeared, did you hear something unusual? Perhaps a crack or thud?" Jackos asked

I though back to when I was fighting Clark. I remember flipping him and then hearing...

"Yeah I did, It sounding like someone stepping on a piece of glass." I replied

He smiled and ruffled my hair.

"Well that's that then. Alex, someone had sealed away your magic, and only now is that seal wearing off. And looking back at all the signs, like nobody being able to read your thoughts or your way of reading the Old Language easily...It seems to be a very powerful one. Something ancient that very few people remember." He explained.

" there going to be more things coming out of me...?" I asked

"There is a possibility, your magic is going to start developing, and depending what you conjure with it, will determine what kind of monster you are once and for all. For example, there are fire demons, water serpents ect."

"What happens if I suddenly sprout wings or horns?" I asked

"Then you'll be a lot more powerful than any of us expected."

Jeezabell and Rosealin picked me up from Miss. Rook's office, with and extra change of clothes with them.
"You'll probably have to change again afterwards because of the blood, but this is just so your not dripping in it." Rose explained
It was a light blue sundress with a white bow around the waist. I slipped it on over my shoulders, and limped besides Jezzy in the hallways.
Luckily we were leaving while a class period was in session, so there was barely anyway on the hallways. When we finally got back to the dorms, I slipped into the showers. The water licked at my wound, making it burn. I faced the water stream and watched the tiled floor slowly turn pinkish red.
I inspected my tail closely for the first time. It was around 3 to 4 feet long, and dragged on the ground slightly. It looked like black leather covered its surface, and at the tip, it flared into a small heart shape. It differed from what my imagination thought demon tails would like. Like the ones you'd see in a story book. Red, Scaly, and a triangle tip.
I turned off the water and padded my way back to my dorm room. When I opened it Jezzy and Rose where no where to been seen, but they had laid out a new uniform for me on my bed.
I decided to just get back in my night shirt and try to take a nap. They couldn't possibly want me back in class for the day anyways.
I turned off the lights and closed the dusty blinds. Flopping down on my mattress I tried to get some sleep but to no avail. The stupid tail would constantly get stuck under me or send a jabbing pain up my spine. However, even with all that I managed to finally make myself comfortable and drift into sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2015 ⏰

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