Chapter Three: Getting No Where, Fast

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"Have a seat young lady." Mrs. Evens smiled, gesturing to the large plush chair in front if her desk.
"Alright, oh and by the way, why did you make make walk here? I mean you zapped here by yourself so why not-"
"I have reasons for making you walk. However, they are far too complicated to explain."
"You were just fucking with me weren't you?"
She knitted her brow and sent a deadly gaze my way. Straightening in my chair I tried to remain unmoved, but it was a bit hard remembering all of those... things.
"That's besides the point. Anyhow, we need to discuss your future here."
"Future? So I'm not going to be slaughtered and turned into Taco Tuesday?"
"No, I've come up with an arrangement that would befit the both of us."
"And that would be?"
She folded her hands on top of her wooded desk. I noticed that all of her papers were in a perfect pile and the numerous writing utensils where all stabbed in what looked like a small styrofoam disk.
"I want you to attend my academy." She stated
My heart skipped a beat, and my mind started racing in all kinda of directions. The faces of the people I've met today all flashed before me all ending up with the woman sitting in front of me.
"Y-you can't be serious. You want me to attend a school full of...of-"
"Supernatural beings, although the people of your world call them Monsters." She said calmly
"Exactly... you see why this would be a bad idea right... I-I mean half of your students wanted to eat me!" I said
"That's the point. I need to teach them restraint, and also, you'll be a great assistant for the Human Realm teachers." She smiled wickedly
"So you want me to be a assistant? And what if the students don't show restraint."
"Well I know a few of them who show excellent restraint and can assist you if a situation like that were to come up. Also, you are technically one of us. However I believe that we should figure what exactly you are. So my deal is this. Attend my school and help the Human realm teachers whenever you can. In return we will offer you protection and answers to your origins." She stated
"A-and if I deny?" I asked
"Well it's only Sunday, but I suppose we could have tacos on Monday..." she smirked
"Ok, ok I get it. I-I guess you have yourself a deal...seeing how you're blackmailing me and all." I grumbled
"I'll have your assigned room in a moment, for now feel free to wander the campus...if you feel that you can handle yourself." She replied
The corners of her mouth lifted slightly, as if she was trying to smiled, however it lacked any emotion at all. It was more like a mask she applied than an actual expression. She waved me off, and started to write something down.
When I turned around, I noticed the big oak door I came in had disappeared.
"Uh, Head principal lady?" I asked
"Headmistress, but what is it?" She sighed
"The door... is kinda gone." I said pointing at the bookshelf facing me.
"Ah yes. This is my favorite part." She smiled
A real smile, with eyes full of malicious intent.
"Favorite pa-"
I got cut off by her pushing a small button embedded in the dark wood of her desk, opening a hole beneath my feet.
I fell down a dark, narrow chamber until it eventually curved into what was like a slide designed by a psychotic architect. The space got tighter as I started to slow, and I started to fear the I would get trapped inside this metal cage. That is until I was suddenly surrounded by light, and landed right in the middle of the same field I arrived in.
"That fucking hurt!" I yelled, rubbing my now sore backside.
"Alex?" A familiar voice said
I turned slowly, to be met with the biggest shock yet.
Then I blacked out.

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