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Song of the chapter: Echo (Vocaloid Orginal) It was done by a Youtube channel called Crusher-P

Thank you all for the support!

For the second time that week, I woke up in the infirmiry. The only diffrence was that there was almost nobody in the room, that is except the alcholic. He sat back in a metal chair and had his feet propped up on the edge of my bed.

 "So, are you always rude to a sick person or are you just generally like this?" I asked him

Mr. Jackos smiled and me and slid his feet off the bed. He leaned forward and examined the gaze that was wrapped around my head.

"I didn't catch you." He said

"Yeah..thanks for that."

"You have no idea how hard it was to keep some of the students from eating you, especially since your blood spilled. Apperently you smell extearmly sweet." He said

"That's not stalkerish." I shuddered

"Miss Daemon, you know why I'm here?" He asked

"Becasue your a pedophile?" I thought

"No, I do not desire you in such a way." He smirked


"I am a sorcerer Miss Daemon. I can and always be able to read your thoughts." He said

" must hate me." I said

"Actually no, becasue I see a lot of myself in you." He replied

"I'm gonna be a alcohloic?" I asked

"I grew up in the mortal world like you, and experience a lot of the same backlash as you. However I must know something, have you experienced anything stange recently Alex?"

"Why do you ask?" I replied

"I am one of the most powerful sorcerers in the entirertiy of Hell, however even I could not read all your thoughts. That makes me think that there is something abnormal about you, something that you may not even understand." He explained

"U-uh.." I studered

I thought back the day in the cafeteria, when I met queenie for the first time.

"I...A few days ago, before I went to class....I saw this light. Well it was more like a blackhole, but it was compleatly surrounding the Cleoh girl. The only light I saw around here...was a pin point in her heart." I explained slowly

His purple eyes lit up instantaniously. He slowly leaned towred me.

"What color was the light? How bright was it and how big?" He asked excitedly 

He suddenly turned into a 6 year old that found out about a big secret. His examined my face, searching for a answer, while I just stared back with a blank expression. It stayed like that for an awkward few moments before I decied to break the silence.

"W-what d-"
"What does it mean? It means my dear that you may not be entierly human. Especially if you can see souls." He explained


"Yes everything and anything has a soul...well except for the ones we call the Brutes. They are void of everything, including the thing that gives us our morality"

"Why do they not have souls.....?" I asked

"That is a story for another time...However I'm intreigued now...I may have to get Evens to let me run some tests. But I've never been one to follow the rules, so let's not and say we didn't." He smirked, standing up once again

"Let's begin test one." He said

"And...what will that be..?" 

"I'm going to send you into the middle of the woods outside our barriers, and see how long it will take for you to get back."

"W-w-wait. Look, Evens isn't exacyally my favorite person either, but I SERIOUSLY want to take her suggestion to follow the rules. Even if I didn't read the rule book yet, I'm pretty sure this is breaking at least one of them!" I rused out, sprining from the bed

"Several actually, now hold still." He said reaching his hand out.

A soft purple light pulsed from his hand, and shot towords me at rapid speed. A sharp pain went through my chest, and made my head spin. The last thing I heard before a great white flash of light was;

"Don't die, I won't be able to experiment anymore." 

And a devilish smirk


The first time I went camping was when I was about 10. My mother sent me on a school trip so I could "bond" with the children there. I got so scared in the middle of the woods I paniced and ran. Regardless to say I got lost, and I was so tired that I pasted out in the middle of a clearing. The teachers were so scared when they found me, appenetly I was so cold I felt like I was dead. The worst part was waking up and relizing it wasn't a dream.

That's how I felt now, when I woke up in the middle of the woods without a soul in sight. I was still in my school unifrome, which has been badly torn and covered in dirt. I could hear the rushing of water somewhere nearby, other than that it was eerily quiet.

"Damn you Jackos." I silenently cursed

I got up from the mossy ground and started to wander around the damp woods. The foliage was so thick that I had to battle my way through the underbrush just to get to the base of a tall pine tree. It towored over the forest, and left a long shadow in the slowly rising sun. It reminded me of he beanstalk in the olf fairy tale, Jack and the Beanstalk. I then got an idea

I slowly ascened throught the prickly pine needles and started to rach the thinner branches. My exposed skin was being rubbed raw by the relentlis stabbing by the tree's branches. Finnaly I reached the top of the forest canopy. In the horizon I saw the looming structure known as my school.

"That was easyier then expected." I said to myself

As I started to make my way back down, with a clear path in mind, a sudden jolt had me clinging to dear life as I dangled on the edge of the branch.

A deftning roar riccocented around me, causing me to seach for it's source.

There waiting paciently at the bottom was a creature, unlike something I could ever imagin. It looked like any ordinary lion, but proturding from it's back was a head of a goat. It's tail flicked upward, exposing a hissing snake.

All of their eyes were locked on me as the lion head gave another mighty roar, letting loose a blazing ball of fire. It hit the pine tree and it started to catch and inch it's way upward.


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