Chapter Nine: Classic Monsters

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Song of the chapter: Jetpack Blues (Fallout Boy) I really like this album

The fire started to crawl up the base of the tree, eating away at the foliage and making it's way toward me. The weird..hybrid...thing, was staring at me dead in the eyes as I started to panic. It seemed to say

Yeah, you're fucked either way

 I had to think fast, It was either being burned alive or eaten by goat head either way. I started to edge my way towards the end of the branch, watching the bright glowing flame inch closer. I was at the edge before hearing something that made my heart stop.


Suddenly I was tumbling through the air, grabbing at anything that I could get my hands on, until I landed on the ground with a thud. The creature stalked over to me, and started to sniff my chest and face.

"Gotta buy me dinner first, asshole." I hissed and pushed the beast away.

With all the speed I could muster, I sprinted my way through the underbrush. Apparently it was not enough because two claws pushed me on my back, only feet away from the main path to the school. The snake head was about to sink it's fangs into my neck, but i swung my one free arm and bashed it away. I wriggled out from under the heavy creature and continued to sprint. I was at the schools barrier when it's jaw latched onto my arm, wrestling to my arm. With a loud scream, we both landed feet away from my safety. I fought with all my might, to keep the beast from biting my head off, but only managed to agitate it. I was bashed away, and landed with my back against a tall tree. 

"ALEX HANG ON!"  A voice screamed

Jeezabell was sprinting full force across the campus toward the fight, with Roseline right on her tail.

I knew without thinking that the beast would kill me before they even got here. Time slowed as I reached for a thick branch that had fallen from the fight. While the creature was in a midair jump, I swung the branch like a baseball bat, hitting it in the center of it's chest. It was flung backward into the barrier, and in a blinding flash of light, the creature was gone. 

Jeezabell and Rosealine were next to me in a instant, trying to treat my wounds in  my arm. The adrenaline hadn't worn off, and the only thought on my mind was;

"Were. The. Hell. Is. Jackos." I growled

"Alex, calm down you've had a shock-"

I marched my way right onto campus, searching the confused faces for my pain-in-the-ass teacher.

"Ah Alex, I see you made it out alright." A familiar voice said

I turned and was met face to face with a pair of taughnting purple eyes. Jackos was sipping from an unlabeled bottle, and leaning against the cafeteria building. I stalked up to him, and grabbed him by the collar with both of my hands.


"What is the meaning of..Alex why are you all torn up young lady? And...Goodness! Your arm!" Mrs. Evens exclaimed

She took me by the hand and started to lead me away from the man who I wanted to tear limb from limb.


Mrs. Evens stopped in her tracks and turned to look at the alcoholic teacher. 

"You.did.what?" She asked

"What she says is true. I wanted to test the girl." He said with a smirk


"Yes, but in this instance I was right." He smiled

"What are you-"

"A normal human wouldn't have been able to bash away a Chimera of that size, let alone kill it. She is not a regular mortal." He replied

"It was the barrier that killed it..." I replied

"Yes, but you used a tree branch to hit it several feet back like it was a tennis ball, face it sweetheart if you were a mortal you would be kitty nibble." He smiled

I ran my fingers through my hair, trying to calm down before I ripped his throat out.

"And you knew that didn't you? You did something before that showed everyone that your not normal, am I right?" He commanded

My breath became ragged and the world started to spin in circles, I felt like I was in a tilt-a-whirl three thousand feet in the air.

"ShutupShutupShutup! It's not my fault!" I yelled

"But it is your fault, what did you do? Did you scare your friends? Hurt someone?....Or rather....You killed someone, didn't you? Who did you kill? Why?" He said

Suddenly I was on him, bashing my fists into his face and screaming as much as my lungs would let me. By the time I was detained he had a broken nose and two black eyes forming. Not to mention a broken jaw.

"Alright, I think that's enough prying for today." He said sadly

I was crying then, sobbing into te person next to me, trying to forget. Wanting to forget everything that happened when I woke up in the girl's bathroom that day. Tried to forget those poor people...

"It's not my fault. It's not my fault. It's not my fault." I sobbed

"Shhhh, Shhhhh, It's ok. You didn't do anything wrong, it's ok now." A soft voice hushed me

"I'm sorry...I didn't mean to.....I'm sorry..." I cried

So....I think that brought a little bit of Alex's past into light. The question is, what exactaly happened that day?

Thanks for all the reads guys! I mean, we're so close to 200!!! I'm super happy all you guys are enjoying my story, thank you all for the support!

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