Chapter Two: Litterally, go to Hell

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The first thing I noticed when I woke up was that I had twisted my right arm.
"Fuck." I spat, trying I sit up.
The second thing I noticed, was that I was surrounded by people all about my age.
"Uh... hi?" I asked
The finally thing I noticed was that some of these "people" had wings and tails.....
That's when I ran like hell
It was a open field next to a few tall brick buildings, and a adjoining woods on the other side. I figured that there would be more of them in the building so I sprinted to the woods. That's when I felt two arms around my waist, hoisting me up from the ground.
"LET ME GO!" I yelled
"Whoa, easy girl." A masculine voice commanded
I looked behind me to see a pair or bright blue eyes meet mine.
"I'm not going to hurt you." he smiled
"Oh really? Then what about you friends?" I spat
"Uh....I can't promise anything from them." He mumbled setting me down again
He had my hands locked securely behind my back as the group approach us.
"Good job Ramen. Now, who are you?" A old looking woman asked
"I'm the freakin Pope, now who the hell are you?!" I yelled
She straighten up and locked eyes with me.
"Young lady I am Miss. Evens. The headmistress and care taker of this school." she said with pride
"Ok fine. Now can I leave?" I asked
"W-what? Just a flat out no?!" I asked panicked
"Because you are human and you have seen my students I either must keep you here or eliminate you." She stated
"Eliminate huh?" I gasped
"Aw Evens I'll take her! I could use a maid." A tall, slim girl interjected
"You've got to be freakin kidding me." I grumbled
"I say we just eat her!" another voice interjected
"Her blood does smell really good..." the girl pondered
I looked at my legs and noticed a trail of blood leaking down my knee.
"So it's settled. We'll eat her." The voice cheered
Gotta get away. Now.
I noticed the boy holding me had his legs spread apart as his grip tightened
"Perfect." I smiled
I kicked my leg backward and hit him directly in the groin. He was down on the ground in a instant.
A golden sword fell from the boy's waist next to me. As fast as I could I grabbed the hilt and separated from the group.
"Look, nobody is going to eat me." I yelled
"Ha, you don't even know how to use that!" A voice snickered
"It's a god damned sword... you know.. Stabby stab?" I asked
"Young lady, put down the weapon and handle this like an adult. We'll go easy on you." The headmistress demanded
"I'm not going to die her dammit! I have to much to do!" I yelled
I tried to swipe at the woman but a boy with brown hair stepped out from the crowd and caught the blade in between his hands.
"Thank you Blake." the woman said
My body looked up and I managed to get a good look at his face.
He took that to his advantage and pulled me to him, jabbing me in the ribs with his knee. I doubled over coughing and he landed a kick to my face.
I was launched a good 5 feet before landing on my ass. The ankle length grass dug into the fabric of my jeans as I looked up to his burning green eyes.
"S-stop!" I pleaded
"What should I?" He asked coldly
"Because I've seen you before!" I yelled
Silence rang through the field as the boy watched me, as he slowly walked over to me, his face scrunched up in confusion. He lowered his fists slightly and crouched down to my level.
"I've seen you before... sort of. It's gonna sound crazy but I've been having a dream recently and your the only person I remember was in it." I admitted
"You have to be lying, no human would posses that sort of power." He spat
"She is telling the truth." The skinny girl said
"What was that Melissa?" He asked
She waltzed over to me and looked me dead in the eyes. Her Blue eyes searched mine until she spoke up again.
"She is telling the truth.... I think. It's weird, she has like a barrier around her." She mumbled
"Should we study her?"
"Should we let her free?"
Suggestion rumbled around me as the girl named Melissa helped me to my feet.
"You'd not a monster hunter are you?" She asked
"" I replied
"Huh. Ok then." She said
"Melissa, Blake and Ramen, can you escort..her.. to my office?" The headmistress asked
"Fine." The all grumbled
The woman disappeared before my eyes as the three kids lead me into the tallest brick building.
"So, I'm Melissa, the boy who kicked you in the ribs is Blake, and the boy you kicked in the balls is Ramen." Melissa said happily
"Oh right.... sorry about that Ramen."
"It's pronounced Ray-Men, not RA Men." He sighed
"Can I just call you noodles?" I snickered
He glared at me as Melissa turned me down a different hall way.
"So, what's your name anyway?" Melissa asked
"Alex." I relied
Blake glanced at me from under his mop of brown hair and then as fixed his gaze back on the hallway in front of him.
"So how did you find this place anyway?" Noodles asked
"....I can't really explain it myself. My mother always had this special willow tree out in the field near out house. And on it was this weird language. I was able to translate it some how and.. Surprise! I bought myself a one way ticket to.. whatever the hell this place is." I said
"Hell." Blake replied
"What?" I asked
"We're in Hell. This is the Academy for monsters of the underworld. We go here to learn how to fight and fit into your world." Blake replied.
I couldn't help myself, I started to laugh
"Pffftttt. If only the people is high school knew I would Literally go to Hell!" I giggled
Melissa giggled a bit while Noodles just smirked. Blake however remained silent as per usual.
We finally arrived at a giant stained oak door.
"Welcome to Hell academy. " Melissa smiled and pushed me into the headmistress's office.

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