Chapter Five

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"Salisha, you really shouldn't be moving around yet. Your wound isn't totally healed. It'd be a shame if we had to cut off your arm because you were to stubborn to rest it," Izzy said, sipping her coffee. Salisha waved her off and walked over to the table with us.

"So, what now? Are we going in for another attack?" Salisha asked, reaching for an apple. Izzy looked up at me from her coffee.

"Oh! Look at that! A dozen apples for a steal! What a wonderful price that is," I said, trying to change tghe subject. Salisha gave me an angry look as she bit into her apple.

"Come on, Des, what is going on? I want to kill that son of a bitch with my own two hands!" Salisha said with venom in her words and tone. I let out a long sigh.

"Look, Sal. Police don't really care about this area, so they don't really give a shit what goes on between gangs and people. That's why we're never arrested for man slaughter. However, with all the shootings lately, they've gotten suspicious about this neighbor hood. We can't make a move until they get off of our cases." I flipped the next page on my magazine, ready for her arguement.

"Bull. Shit, Des. Bullshit. They don't give a damn about what we do. My family was killed by some armed robber. You know what they did? Nothing. Not a damn thing. I don't give a flying rat's ass what they think about us. I'm going to kill Jayden with my own two, flipping hands," Salisha snapped, slamming her fist against the table. 

"Sal, loo-" "No! No Des! I won't look. I won't 'hear you out'. I'm sick of it. If you two are too big of pansies to do it yourself, I'll do it. I ain't afraid of the big bad wolf. I'm gonna kill him. Just you watch!" she hissed and ran out the door. 

"Great, just freaking great," I mumbled, flipping the next page of my magazine. 

"Des, what did Jayden tell you? You 'avent been the same since then. What did 'e tell you?" Izzy asked, holding onto her mug.

"What? What are you talking about? He didn't tell me anything important. Just a cool fact," I said, feeling a little nervous. Why? Why was I nervous? I shouldn't be. Allen was Jayden's half brother. What's the big deal about that?

"Des," Izzy pushed, looking me straight in the eye. I let out a sigh.

"Look, he just said that Allen was his halfbrother. It took me off guard." Izzy looked at me, cocking an eyebrow.

"I think it's a load of bullshit, Des. He was playing with you. Don't let 'im take you by your weak spot again. He'll kill ya for sure next time if you let Allen get in your way," Izzy said, leaning back in her chair.

"I guess you're right. He probably just wanted to kill me or worse. Oh well, thanks Iz," I said, standing up. "I'm going to help Sal out with 'killing' Jayden. I'll see you later." I gave her a small wave and walked out the door, heading to the house of Jayden. The whole police thing was a joke I made up. The police don't really give two shits about what we do, but I didn't want Salisha to get ahead of herself and try to kill them by herself. However, that joke didn't work. She still went after them.

When I arrived at the house, the door was already open. The smell of gun powder was in the air. No more shot had gone off. Either she alreayd killed him or...."Shit," I mumbled, racing into the house. People were on the ground, dead. I raced upstairs, hoping to find Salisha with a gun at a dead Jayden. Well, I saw one thing, but it was exactly the opposite of what I wanted. Salisha was the one on the ground. The one with the gun aimed at. If only I'd have been her sooner, she'd still be alive. 

"You bastard," I whispered, walking slowly towards Jayden. A grin was planted right on his face. Almost as if what he did was a 'good deed' of his. "Why? Why did you kill her?" I asked, looking down at Salisha. 

"Why? She tried to kill me! It was self defense!" he replied, putting his gun away. "She was too old to be my girl anyway," he said.

"She was only 16, Jayden. She had a life to live!" I snapped, squatting down beside her lifeless body.

"Yeah, that's old. I like 'em young. More energy," he said, smiling a stupid smile. I looked up at him and gave him a dissapointed look. 

"You sicken me. Go, go before I do somthing I'll regret," I said, checking to see if she had a pulse. I had a little hope that she would be alive.

"What? Something like you did to Allen? Are you going to shoot me?" he asked, backing away.

"I might just," I mumbled, putting my hand up fo my face. 

"Hah, you don't have to gu-" I whipped out my gun and shot randomly. I know I hit him, because blood landed on my gun and he fell out of the window. I saw him running away, holding his side. 

"What about no guts?" I asked myself, picking Salisha up. I knew nothing ever good came to being in a gang. Nothing ever good came to guns. Nothing ever good came to humankind. So, why are we all alive? Whoever runs this world must be crazy. Letting humans come up with weapons. Making anger burn within them. Whoever it is, I hate them. I hate their guts. They think it's funny to let me be the one to take all the pain. Let me be the one to lose people close to me. Let me be the one to watch my friends die, one by one. Let me be the one to see Allen get shot, then shoot Donell and Jake. Why? Why do I have to be the tormented soul amung all the other people who walk this Earth.

By the time I got back, it was late. I took all the back streets so no one would see me carrying a dead body back to my house. I'd be in a lot more trouble than I already was. 

"Iz? I called out, tears rolling down my cheeks. It had taken me a little while to cry, probably because I was just taking it in.

"Yea- WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED!?" I zzy shouted, racing over.

"Just shut up and help me put her somewhere," I said, feeling the blood come in contact with my skin. 

"Jayden did this?" Izzy asked. I nodded and sniffled, trying to stop the tears.

Three hours later, Izzy and I were sitting on the couch. Salisha's corpse was up on her former bed with a sheet over her.

" I swear to God, I will kill Jayden with one bullet. I swear that he won't live for much longer," I said, leaning on my hands. Izzy nodded.

                                                               The fight, had just begun.


AH! FINALLY! I got something out onto the story. Sorry if it's a little short. Also, I started frest. Don't get mad at me, it was Raegen the Random's idea. Get angry at her if you are.

Sorry if you didn't like the chapter, I don't know how I feel about it myself. Sorry for any mistakes, I don't want to read through it. Also, thanks for your support everyone!



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