Seeing him

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Pushing open the large doors I was met with the familiar sight of gold chandeliers that instead of holding bright florescent lights they held large candles casting shadows in corners of the room 'maybe I can stay in one of those lovely corners until this is over' hanging from the ceiling while the walls were a light gold colored with unique designs on it. Tables had multiple candles on them while a few chairs surrounded them, to the left side of the room I saw night was approaching as the clouds turned a dark blue and purple and to me it looked beautiful. Straight ahead of me there were large wooden doors that resembled the other entrance ones. Looking around a little more I saw many long tables against the wall that held different desserts either covered or filled with blood, straight ahead of me there was an all to familiar staircase that led up to the second floor that opened up so you could see down below at the people as they danced.

Suddenly everyone became silent as the main event appeared at the head of the stairs while his father addressed the crowd beside him.

"Welcome!! I would like to thank you all on my behalf for gathering with us to celebrate the crowning of my son and your soon to be king Gabriel. Before we get started with tonight's event I want to inform you all that through the week there will be nightly events to help get to know each other and for my son to get to know all of you, and by the end of the week it will be his crowning. I feel it important for him to get to know his people before he rules the people at least that's my opinion." he let out a chuckle at that last statement. " Anyway, now for tonight's event -" applause's went around the room before he could finish." For tonight's event: cards are being handed out now to all of you and what the card is, is a dance card. When the music starts you are to look at your card and follow what it says , I feel this will be an entertaining night don't you all agree? that is all enjoy." with that he stepped back next to his son and as the music began they descended the stairs.

A card was soon handed to me by a girl who looked around 17 maybe 18 with dark blond hair in a high ponytail and a long black dress, looking around I noticed all the servers were wearing only black . The men all had on black suits with black dress shirts under with matching pants and polished shoes while the women had long black dresses, slight black heels as well their hair being pulled back.

Turning my card over I saw I had a list of instructions: When music begins, look to your left and dance with that person. Next song look to your right and dance with that person..
   It consisted of left, right,front, and back each time the music ended you were to turn and dance with the person nearest you. Until you finished the instructions also you were to ask your partner questions about themselves. 'Yeah, to hell with this I'm going to the corner' right before I got to the corner the music started and I was swept into a broad chest dammit.
  " I'm sorry I didn't mean to be rude but I saw you pass as the night began and I just couldn't help myself I had to dance with you." The mysterious man whispered in my ear.
"Yes well thank you, but I'm not much of a dancer so I was just going to.." I just let that sentence hang in the air, I hadn't had the chance to see his face considering my face was in his chest but when I heard his voice it was a smooth baritone and it was pleasant.
" Don't worry, may I  have this dance? after all you are next to me and the music has started." He asked trying to get me to agree and feeling bad I agreed.
" Just one." With a small smile we began to dance.
His dancing was so smooth compared to mine he knew how to dance around the cluster of people and I was sort of glad because had the roles been reversed a few of these people would probably end up face first in the blood bowl by the desserts. Looking up at his face, he had a strong chiseled jaw and clear skin, his eyes were an icy blue while his hair was a dark blonde that was cut to his ears while in the front it was messy but in a very attractive way. He was most definitely well past 6,1 my guess would be around 6,3.
I leaned into him as one of his hands made it's way down to my waist, curving around it while the other held my hand.
" What is your name beautiful?" He whispered close to my ear.
" Kayden White and you are?"
" Alec Cross." He stated proudly
Continuing on I asked what he thought would be a lame question but I didn't care.
" Favorite color?" Looking up at his ice blue eyes I saw amusement shining in them right before he gave an amused chuckle.
"Blue and your's?"
" Blue is a beautiful color I will admit but I think I would have to say brown is mine." I murmured while a small smile crossed my face.
" Yes that is a lovely color and I do believe it would be a very fitting color on you." Blushing at that last statement we let go of each other as the music ended.
" I hope to see you again before the night is over with Miss. White." He looked at me once more then turned to find his next partner.
Not once did I get a chance to hide away for these people, I kept getting swept into others arms and ended up dancing with them. A few of them were really good dancers but like me a few weren't which I was completely fine with just as the music stopped yet again with my current partner I went to get a drink.
  Getting a glass I poured a small amount into my cup and finally was left alone so I did the most logical thing that I could do, I went to the shadowed corner and people watched. All of them had their fangs on display when they smiled, the women would constantly flip their hair when around a man they found attractive and the men would give a flirty complement just like Alec had to me then I finally saw the one man I told myself I never wanted to see again but deep down I knew I wanted to, just not holding some skimpy dressed women that upon closer inspection was the blonde from the elevator.

Hey there just wanted to thank all of you guys for reading my story and giving it a chance.
Wondering what you guys thought about the redhead from the elevator and also Gabriel oh!! And what's your guy's favorite colors are? Mine would probably have to be black or gray.

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