Reliving and forgiving at last

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       My breath came out in long white puffs, sitting here and looking out at the night sky- the large garden laid out in front of me; different flowers of all colors shone with their own kind of beautiful magic but the white and purple roses held my attention. My mother when I was a child loved them she would have vases of them all throughout the house and I understood why- because their was something about them that just- seemed peaceful and calm. I know to others it might seem strange to think flowers could do that-feel like that but to me -they just did. My father, he was different he didn't understand their pull but he planted them just for my mother. I had an older brother Michael we were close well I guess as close as siblings can be- but I lost all of them.

     Screams tore from my throat as my home - my life burned to the ground right in front of me strangers held me back as my family's terror and pain filled screams filled the night. Fighting to get away from the steel grips on my arms and shoulders I tried to get to them, to pull them out and save them. I wanted to feel moms cool embrace to hear her say she loved me and that everything was going to be okay, to hear dad tell me not to worry and that he loved me as well, for Michael be the big brother he was and protect me from getting hurt. But as one final fire flame billowed up into the cold and dark night I knew that would never happen again, they were gone and I couldn't hold myself up any longer. ' mamma... oh god ..'

     Dropping my head to my chest my whole body shook, it was still fresh in my mind every time I'd go back to that night 2 years ago it seems as though it happened yesterday. I hate thinking about it. I hate knowing I'll never get to see them again. Moms brown eyes won't light up when dad tells a corny joke and Michael won't come home and talk about his latest girlfriend and dad.. dad won't sit in his study and read his latest book.

      Whimpers slipped from lips as I kept thinking about them- their faces came up one by one in my mind and I was shaking again. Strong arms wrapped around my shoulders pulling me into their hard embrace, " Shhh it's okay, it's okay I've got you, I've got you," his voice rumbled out.

    Turning into him I wrapped myself up into him and just stayed there absorbing his comfort for however long he would stand me, I knew this was probably only going to happen once but right now I didn't care- I needed my mates comfort I needed what I was suppose to have but didn't.

     He pulled me further into him to were I was practically in his lap and his shirt was soaked with my tears.

    "Shhh let it out Kayden." he whispered, his strong and calloused fingers smoothed through my dark strands rubbing my scalp -soothing me.

     " God-," Choking on a hiccup I opened my mouth to say something but I couldn't.

      A loud crack boomed across the sky followed by light and then nothing but freezing liquid  filled the space between us and reality.


      Rain poured down on us from the sky as if it was replicating what Kayden was feeling only a thousand times stronger. I knew about her family, about what happened and no matter how much I tried to stay away from her I was done I couldn't do it anymore- I wouldn't. When I did that to her I was stupid and immature, even now the way I acted to her when she first got here I hated myself for it, she needed me and I hurt her.

      Picking her up I headed for the house," where- what ?" her soft voice cracked.

    " Don't worry it's going to be okay I promise." cradling her closer I went to my room without stopping.

       Slowly pushing open my door, the dark walls contrasted dramatically to the white and satin sheets pillows were practically burring the bed and I quickly knocked them off with one hand trying to keep her close to me.

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