Seeing Alec

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Buttoning up my dark green dress shirt I fixed my sleeves as I thought of what the night would hold, who would hold a fake smile and pretend they were happy for my crowing at the end of this weekly ceremony? or which women would come near me to try and claim the position next to me held only for the queen? who would be blunt with me and to others of their opinion of me? And who would kiss my ass so much their mouth would hurt by the end if this week? I didn't necessarily want to be the next king, but my father was getting past his prime time of ruling and I had no brothers, so traditionally it was passed down to me.

I heard a knock on my door before it opened, my father walked in followed by mother, was wearing a blood red dress shirt under black as night suit with his salt and pepper combed back to show his emerald eyes much like mine and his blinding white smile. His black pants were ironed to the crisp while his shoes were as shiny as a new penny. Mother on the other hand, wore a beautiful black gown that reached her ankles with black heels making her just short of fathers imposing height. her blond hair was pulled up into a tight bun which sat on top of her head.

Father came forward and shook my hand while talking about how happy he was that I was soon going to take his place, knowing I was going to do good in his place. Mother gave me a hug and a peck on the cheek.

" Boy's we must be going if we want to eat on time, oh and I want to catch up with Nancy, Xavier - I haven't seen her in a while and I miss talking to her." she smiled at that.

"Alright darling lets go down there, son hurry down soon its almost 8." He said as he ushered mother out.

Looking at myself in the mirror I thought to myself 'I hope she's there tonight- no stop' images of her flooded my mind. Her arms wrapping around my neck as our lips sealed together, us moving in sync, our bodies touching everywhere. Us. Together. I need to stop this pessimistic bullshit of not letting her in and keeping myself distant, fuck what others think of her not being royal bloodline I need her, I cant get the thoughts and images out of my head and I can see it in the rare moments of meeting her beautifully sad eyes that she wants me but wont act on it from fear of more rejection.

Grabbing my black suit off my bed I headed toward the dining room. Entering I saw hundreds of people all talking with each other before they say at their tables but I was looking for someone in particular, surprisingly I saw Alec Cross ' what the hell is that son of a bitch doing here?'  While I pondered  that I felt many eyes on me and to no surprise girls had come to me, flirting but I wasn't having any part in that as I politely removed myself from their seductive talks and overly friendly touches. I saw Alec in the chair opposite of mine a few seats downward and just as everyone took their seats, Kayden made her entrance and I forgot about everything but her. She wore the a gold dress that most definitely complemented her figure but yet again to me she would look gorgeous in just a trash-bag. She sat down - next to Alec and they started talking, I saw his eyes roam her body for a moment and I clenched my fist ' you son of a bitch don't touch her, don't even talk to her again' when my father stood up and raised his glass, my eyes met with Alec's while he raised a brow and smirked. 

Hey!! Finally updated ha let me know what you think about Alec and Gabriel??Oh and are you all excited for Halloween!?

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