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I'm gonna give you guys a name in honor of 1k. So should you guys be the

Cashanators (Cash Fam)


Mattosaurses (Matt Fam)

You guys choose! Comment on the name you guys want and boom!


-Cassi's POV-

Lauren and I walked to the elevator and pressed the lobby button. We got down there and the guys are all waiting.

I guess everyone decided to wear merch today.

Well there goes being original.

"Hey Matt!" I say jumping on his back. He shrieks and drops me. "Ow" I say while rubbing my head.

"Oh my god Cassi I'm so sorry!" Matt says frantically. He helps me up and I go to say something but he pulls me in to his chest for a hug. "Forgive me?" He finishes.

"Well maybe. I'm not sure. You might have to buy my Swedish fish. And I'll think about forgiving you." I say while crossing my arms and turning my head away.

"I'll do anything! Do you want anything else?!" He says while taking my hands in his.

I look at him. "Maybe a couple Mango snaples would be nice." I smirk.

"Anything." He pauses and starts leaning in. Lauren comes over. "Oh hey" he pulls away scratching the back of his neck. "We were just talking about the challenges we are gonna do" he added.

"Well we are leaving." Lauren says. Matt nods and runs off. "Nash isn't happy, he saw the whole hand holding and hugging thing" she finishes and walks to the limo.

"Are you mad at me?" I ask her and she shook her head no. "Why are you pissed off then?" I add.

"The things Nash said about you. When he saw it." Lauren says while interlocking our arms together. I fake smile while being dragged along.

We enter the limo and all eyes turn to me. My stomach drops and my hands sweat. We take our seats near the drivers area.

"Surprised your not sitting on Matt's lap" Nash whispers under his breath. But I hear him.

I open the glass that separates the driver and us. "Can you pull over please?" I ask him and he nods. "Thank you."

He pulls over and i climb over everyone and out of the limo. Lauren follows me. "Why'd you hop out?" She asks.

"I can't handle everything he's said about me. I want to go home, to Wisconsin. I don't belong here Lauren, I really don't." I tell her with tears brimming over my eyes.

-Nash's POV-

We start to pull over and I see Cassi and Lauren hop out. "Tell him to hold on for a second please?" I tell Hayes and he tells the driver. I crack the window open and listen to the conversation.

"Why'd you hop out?" Lauren clearly asked.

"I can't handle everything he's said about me. I want to go home, to Wisconsin. I don't belong here Lauren, I really don't." Cassi says with her voice cracking.

Well she shouldn't be hitting on my friends. I've made it clear to her and them that they aren't allowed to date.

It's weird seeing my sister with one of my friends. It's just weird, knowing one of those idiots are playing kissy face with my twin. In a way, they are kissing me. Lol no thanks.

"Tell Bart I might be late. Say it was a twin issue" I say to Cam and he nods. I get out of the limo. "Lauren can you go back in the limo I want to talk to Cassi. We'll walk to the venue." I tell her.

"No your gonna hurt her." She hisses back. "Even more than you already have." She adds.

"Please Lauren?" I ask her and she looks over to Cassi who nods.

"I will not hesitate to kill you, if you hurt her more!" She snaps before crawling in the limo.

An awkward silence falls between us. "What did you want Nash?" Cassi asks not even looking me in the eye.

"I told you Cassi. No dating my friends." I say to her as we start walking to the venue.

"Nash I tried not too. I swear on my life." She says still looking at the ground.

"So what's up with Matt?" I ask her.

"I honestly don't know Nash. I don't know my feelings. They are so messed up right now I don't know what I'll do. Matt makes me feel some type of way that I haven't felt like for a long time, even before I was with Kyle" she rants.

I stop and make her turn and look me in the eye. "What are you saying Cassi."

"Nash don't get mad" she pleads.

"Cassidy." I sternly say.

"I can't control my feelings Nash"

"Cassidy tell me!" I shout.

"I'm in love with Matt"

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