Happy Birthday Part 1

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-Matt's POV-

I'm actually relieved that Cassi said yes. I know I'm only 17 (A/N he's 17 in this story. Haha) but I honestly really, really like her.

I don't know if I love her yet.

Because love is such a strong word.

That word can either help you


break you.

And sometimes either way is bad.

(A/N when did i get so deep)

I should probably go tell Nash that I asked her out and she said yes.

I walk to his room and knock on the door. He opens the door with food covering him. "Is this a bad time?" I say concerned.

"Uh. No." Nash answers.

"CALL 9-1-FUCKING-1!" I hear Cameron shout.

"What's going on?" I asked trying to hold in my laughter.

"Welp you see, Cameron and I were doing the best friend/food challenge. Andddddd he cut his foot on a tin can." He rushes.

"Only Cameron. But I was gonna tell you that-" I started.

"Nash watch out. We are taking Cameron to the lobby to wait for the ambulance." The DJ Chris said.

(A/N remember when I said *LOX* wasn't the DJ. I forgot if I named the DJ but his new name is Chris😂)

"Okay" Nash replied. "Hey can we talk later?" I nodded.

Well that didn't go as planned

I sighed and walked to Cassi's room. When I got there, I knocked on the door and she answered.

"Oh hey Matt, come on in. I'm live on Younow right now. But you are welcome to join me." She said and ran back to her bed where she was set up. I walked in and closed the door behind me. I sat on the ground with her while the laptop was faced towards us. "And guys! Joining me in our confession session type thing is Matthew Espinosa. I really haven't started yet so don't worry for everyone who just came" she beamed. She looked so happy.

"Confession session?" I asked. More so because I wanted to see her smile again.

"Yeah, people are going to tweet you confessions. If that's okay. I really can't be on my phone because of my concussion. If you allow people to tweet you, you'll read them to me and we will give our opinion. They can ask/tell us anything" she smiled. Damn. "So it's more like a advice confession type thing. I don't know" she shrugged and then laughed. I love her laugh.

"Yeah people can tweet me. Let's use a hashtag. That way my mentions don't blow up." I laugh. Which makes her smile.

"Okay everyone. Tweet us with the #ACS because Matt doesn't want his mentions blown up." She says. And we smile.

(These are gonna be made up names. If it's yours then I guess you get a unknown shoutout. Lol)

"Okay. @ Magconxfangirl asked, #ACS "is bad that i call Hayes daddy and he's younger than me?" I read trying not to laugh. We both loose it.

"Nah I don't think so. And Matt, can you please favorite that." Cassi asked. I gave her a puzzled look. She whispers in my ear. "So her daddy can follow her" then we both lose it, again

"Okay, next one. @ crazyforMatt I like your username babe! Whenever my brother is making out with girlfriend, I ALWAYS walk in. On accident. My eyes are scarred #ACS." I read out loud and Cassi looks like she's gonna die.

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