Ch. 2 Part 4 (Jasper's POV)

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Author's note: Sorry if this update isn't all that great. i know I keep telling you all I'm gonna update and I haven't gotten to it in awhile. So here is something to hold you over until I really have the time to sit down and write.


"Edward, would you can Bella like to join Alice and I tonight? We're going to explore he country side."

"Sure why not it sounds like fun. When does the train stop." Bella asked.

"At Twilight." Edward answered her before I or anyone else could.

"There you are mommy and daddy." came the sweet little voice. We all turned and seen a bright tyed, bouncing brown haired little Nessie dancing her way over to us just like Alice does. Alice is starting to rub off on Little Nessie. Not that, that's a bad thing, because it"s not.

Nessie climbed up into Bella's lap and laid her hand on Bella's cheek.

"Okay, Nessie, I'll order you one." Bella told the child.

"What does she want?" Edward asked.

"She wants an egg and cheese omelet." Alice answered for Bella.

"Are you hungry, Nessie?" I asked her.

"Yes, Uncle Jasper I am. Jake and Seth woke me up with all of their snoring, so I decided to come out here and eat."

Everyone laughed at the jake and Seth snoring part. We could hear them out here at the table. Even if we didn't have sensitive hearing we would still be able to hear them. Passenagers in the other cars are probably wondering what all the noise is.

"That's funny Jasper, because the car in front of us is doing just that." Edward says.

"Is doing just what?" Emmett asks.

"Wondering what all the noise is." I told him and everyone laughed again.

"Should we wake the dogs?" Rose asked.

"Bella and Edward why don't you leave Nessie here with us and Emmett will go and wake them up. You two need some alone time together. Because before you know it we'll be stopping soon." Alice said.

"I'll wake up Jake and Seth. Emmett doesn't have to do it." Edward answered her. And then the two love birds were off down the hallway towards their cabin to wake the wolves. Wow did I just really have that lovey dovey thought?

"Yes, Jasper, you did." Edward yells back to he dinning hall causing me to laugh and everyone who was left at the tble to look at me like I was crazy.

"Well then maybe Edward you should stay out of my head."

And all you hear is him laughing in answer.

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