Ch. 2 Part 2 (BPOV)

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Our car was really nice. Each couple had their own cabin and Jake and Seth had one to share. The dining car catered to our life style and then there was food for Nessie, Jake, and Seth. Everyone hunted before we got ready to leave, but this was going to be a long trip. The train was only traveling by day. So if we wanted we could also go hunting at night when we stopped.

Jake came out of our cabin carrying a still sleepy Nessie. "Are we on our way now Mommy?" she asked me from Jake's arms.

"Yes we are baby girl. Are you hungry?" I asked her.

"No. I want to go back to sleep. The train just scared me."

"Ok. Jake will take you back to our cabin." Jake didn't even have Nessie all the way back our cabin before she was back to sleep. Jake came back out after laying Nessie down again.

"I think I'm going to go lay down myself. I'm still tired from getting up early and all that driving. Bella, Nessie is sound asleep all tucked in." Jake said

"Hold up Jake, I'm coming too." Seth told him.

"Hey Jake, why don't you two go sleep in our cabin. So if Nessie wakes up she isn't all alone."

"Ok Bella, we'll do that." And Jake and Seth walked towards our cabin.

Edward walked over to me, pulled me to him, and gave me a soft kiss on my lips.

"Come on let's go join the rest of the family in the dining car." He told me.

So we walked towards the other car that held our dining room and kitchen.

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