Part 6

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It was getting dark and it's been hours since Bella has called Edward saying they would be home in an hour or so. Nessie and the boys weren't back yet. The guys was in the middle of a gig challenge when Edward paused the game and walked out of the room. Jasper could tell Edward was starting to get worried. Usually when they girls said they would be back in a certain time they was or even sometimes early. Edward hadn't been out of the room for a whole minute when Bella called him.

"Girls are on their way." Edward said as he was walking back into the living room. "Bella just called. There was a big wreck outside of Tacoma and when they get to Forks they're going to go to the rez first."

"Well we better get this gig over and the game put away before they get here. Because we all know who the women can be when we play this game." Carlisle said just as someone knocked on the door.

"I wonder who that can be?" Jasper asked as he headed towards the door with the rest of us behind him.

"Some delivering guy." Edward answered him.

"The girls must went over board on their shopping trip and bought more than what they had room for." Emmett chimed. "And we all know how them girls like to shop."

Jasper opened the door.

"Can I help you/" he asked.

"Is this the Cullen residence?"

"Yes it is."

"Good, I have some luggage sets that a Mrs. Alice asked to be delivered. Can you sign here please?" the delivery man said as he pointed to a line on some paper work. "And if you don't mind I can use some help."

"Sure thing. Emmett can you go help the man get the luggage."

The guys unloaded the luggage and took it into the house. And just as the delivery man was out of sight the girls pulled in.

"Dang it we did get to finish the game. Maybe they'll let us finish before we pack." Emmett said with attitude. he really likes playing Rock Band and hates when Rose won't let him finish a gig or won't let him play at all.

"Help us unload and take the stuff to our rooms and we might let you." Alice said from outside.

When we walked out onto the porch I was waiting for Emmett to say something stupid and sure enough he did.

"Damn, Alice did you leave anything in the stores?"

"Emmett I will not have that kind of language in my house. And you know it." Esme scolded him

"Oh shut up Emmett and come help me!" Rose yelled at him.

"Did the luggage make it here yet?" Alice asked

"Yes, just got here right before you did." Jasper answered her

Everyone helped unload the cars and Alice told them which luggage sets was their's. The guys got to finish their game. They was about done putting everything away when Nessie, Jake, and Seth pulled up in Jake's new black Chevy Silverado. Alice told him if he was going to be apart of the family he needed to have a car like the family. So a couple of weeks ago Edward and Emmett took him car shopping. Jake just fell in love the second he show it. Rhino liner, chrome brush guard and side rails, and a water proof bed cover. And it was an extended cab so he had room for Nessie's booster seat. Emmett kept trying to get him to buy a sports car but he wanted nothing to do with one. Which made Emmett not the only person in the family without one.

Nessie came running in the house all excited about something. She was doing her best to keep her thoughts to herself so Edward couldn't read her mind. Jake and Seth was trying to do the same thing.

"What ar you all excited about? You wasn't like this twenty minutes ago when I seen you down at Billy's?" Bella asked her.

"You'll have to wait until everyone is together in the living room. Then I'll show you. And Mommy I was excited earlier I just wasn't showing it." Nessie told her mom.

After everyone was back in the living room Nessie had them stand around her so she could show them the fun she had today having the snowball fight with the others.

After she was done showing the Emmett said,, "That's my niece. I taught you well."

"Emmett, gloating will get you no where but in trouble. I can't believe you taught her that stuff." Bella said disappointally at him. "Edward how could you let her go and have a snowball fight with the rest of the pack? What if she would have gotten hurt?"

"Love, I didn't know. And besides that why are you mad? She kicked butt today." Edward said to her.

"That she did do. I just don't want to see her get hurt." Bella told him

"Bella if you remember she's stronger than what they are."

"Bells, you know I would never let any harm come to Nessie."  Jake told her

"I know that Jake. But when you're a parent you can't help but to worry. Even if your child is basically indestructible." Bella told him

"Which was true parents always worry about their child. Esme still worries about us all the time. Even though we are all married, have our own lives, and still live at home." Edward thought to himself

"So Edward love are you ready to go out to the cottage and pack?" Bella asked him

"Yes i am love. Nessie?"

"Mommy said I'm staying up here tonight with Jake and Seth." She told her daddy.


"So that means I have to give up my bed?" Jake asked.

"No, Jake it's a king size bed. I'm sure the two of you can share. And Seth can sleep on Edward's old couch." Bella told them

"Ok we can do that. Seth you ok with that?"

"Beats sleeping on the floor." Seth answered

"Ok, well did you kids eat while you was at Billy's?" Bella asked

"Yes mommy we did." Nessie answered for them

"Ok well than you kids get upstairs and go to bed. Nessie come give us a good night kiss." bella said

Nessie ran over to her loving parents and gave them hugs and kisses than she ran upstairs with Jake and Seth right behind her.

"We love you Nessie." Edward yelled after her.

"I love you two, too." She yelled back fromthe third floor.

Everyone went their separate ways so they could get their packing down. because even when you don't sleep at night 4 am comes to fast for them.

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