Part 5 (EPOV)

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Bella and I head back down the hallway towards our cabin so we can wake Jake and Seth. As soon as I touch the knob the door comes filling open and Jake was standing there with his eyes wide and alert. Like he was expecting danger or something.

"Jake, what is wrong?" I ask him.

"Where is she?" he answers.

"Where is who? Nessie?"

"Yes. I woke up and she was asleep on my chest, so I went back to sleep. And now she's gone."

"She's fine. She woke up from your and Seth's snoring and came to look for Bella and I , because she was hungry. She's with Alice and Jasper getting ready to eat. Which that brings me to why we're here. You two should go and eat too. We're going to be stopping soon. And when we stop. Bella and i are going with Alice and Jasper to go explore. So you and Seth will be looking after Nessie."

"First we need to talk." Jake said with an uneven voice. I knew something was bothering him.

"About?" Bella answers.

"I smelled a vampire."

"Jacob if you notices there is nine of us on this train." Bella answered for me.

"No it wasn't any of you. It was someone I have never smelled before."

"Huh, I wonder who it could have been. I wonder is it was one of the vampire that is catering to us. We should go and talk to Carlisle just to make sure, because I have no idea where they was told they could and couldn't go."

Seth joined us in the door way then.

"Seth, you go to the dining car and stay with Nessie, and tell Alice and Jasper that I went with Bella and Edward to talk to Carlisle. See if she has or can see anything." Jake tells his Beta.

"Okay, Jake, I got it."

Seth took off towards the dinning car; Bella, Jake, and myself took off towards Esme and Carlisle's cabin.

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