Chapter 3

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Jason McCann

Well that was a fucked up first day back, another girl, probably wanting to suck my dick or something, there are plenty of other guys at the school, but every girl, not to be cocky… wants me, 

not ever would I want their skanky asses, 

no way. 



 I live in, not the best place to have a high school, half the guys are drunk, high, skip school… like me right now, but I have enough detentions under my name that I’ll be in that detention room on my last day of school, mostly for fighting, they usually don’t pick up on me skipping because I come back at lunch, I just miss 1 st and 2nd period, or 5th and 6th which ever mood I’m in, I guess.

I was debating whether to go home to my fucker of a… not my family, but the bunch of kids I lived with,  I had it good there, they were all fucked in the mind, I had my own room, own bed, own clothes. 

I made money on the side because I had a job.

I skated down past the oval of our school, 

the school was a huge motherfucker, and it took awhile to skate from out the front to around the back in attempt to get to the park down the road. 

Fuck it was cold too. 

I flipped my skateboard up and put it under my arm, I took my phone out, and my wallet fell out, and everything was laying on the ground 

“fuck my life” I hiss to myself,

picking up receipts, condoms, bullets, 

the zip on the wallet was broken,

note to self Jason: get a new wallet.

As I walked into the park and sat down on the bench, I got a call, 

(incoming call: Nick) 

“Hello?” I said looking around, 

“Jay, where are you?” he says, 

“at the park, why what’s up” I said checking my surroundings again, 

“get home and I’ll come pick you up” he says hanging up, you could call Nick my friend, 

I guess. 

I stood up, I wonder how long this will take maybe I’ll go back to school around lunch, 

the school had this thing with me, that if I wasn’t at school without the people at the home calling me in sick, then I would double my detention, and those fuckers can tell when your faking, no matter how good you are. 

I rolled slowly out of the park, and made my way a few house down from where I was living, if they saw that I was at school they’d take something off me, I would usually knock them out cold if they came anywhere near my stuff.

I waited for a white van, that’s what Nick drove, I saw it turn the corner into my street, and I stood up, 

he stopped right in front of me, I stood up and walk around the other side to get in, 

“Hey Man” I say, 

“Jay this is important” he says starting to drive again. 

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