Chapter 6

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Jason McCann

That girl had been here for a day, and she was already annoying the shit out of me, she obviously wasn’t one for sex after what just happened, I had left a mark on her though, which I regret now because she wears her hair up, and it will be clear as day, since she’s new she hasn’t got any friends, and I surprisingly have been the only one whose talked to her, and everyone will know it was me. 

I wonder how dark it will go? 


I pushed the office door open, and ran straight into Mrs Tuite, 

“Jason, leave you are not needed today†she says pushing past me in a rush, I made my journey back to my locker, Mrs Tuite was running ahead of me she was a fat lady so she was going too fast, then she saw Julia’s bag on the floor outside the door of the Janitors closet,

I walked faster I wanted to go to Nick’s early for once,  

“Oh My Goodness Dear!†I hear Mrs Tuite shriek, 

“Why were you in there!†she says in the same tone, 

“Jason, he locked me in there†she said, 

my queue to leave.

I stand on my skate board, and roll down the halls, just before she could catch me, I rolled down the path way, and it had gotten colder, I decided that I should ring Nick, 

I press dial, and found his number, 

“hello†he said through the phone, 

“Hey Man, can I come get my money?†I said, 

“Sorry Jay, were out of town at the moment†

out of town and I wasn’t invited. 

“Where†I say, 

“uh, I’m not sure, Ross knows†he said, 

“Can I get it tomorrow?†I say, 

“Nah man Tuesday would be better†he says, 

“tomorrow is Tuesday, your high as fuck aren’t you?†I laugh, 

“Maybe. See me on Wednesday if that’s the day that comes after Tuesday?†he had stopped trying to sound sober and was just a mess, 

“alright man, see ya then†I say, 

“JASON! Goodbye.†He says Jason very loudly then lengthens the goodbye for longer than needed.

I laughed, and put the phone in my pocket, I’ll go to the park, not going to the mental hospital yet, 

the sun wasn’t set yet, so I checked my P.O box, I had a letter, I shoved it into my pocket and skated to the park.

I sat down on any bench and ripped open the letter, it was about two pages long; 

Dear Jason McCann, 

We have been informed that you were involved in many criminal offence throughout the past 3 yea---“Molly! Stop†a girls screeching voice interrupted my reading , I looked up at the girl, 

I must be seeing things,

it was Julia, 

“Molly, walk slower!†she said, I looked down at the tiny puppy she was attempting to walk, 

her brown hair was down she was in a purple hoodie and black track pants.

I looked back down at the letter; 

we would also like to inform you that the 3 years--- “MOLLY FOR GODS SAKE!â€

“Would you shut up!†I yell, 

“Excuse me?†she looks over. 

“Jason.†She says quietly, 

“JASON!†she runs over to me, 

“WHY DID YOU DO THAT!†she yells, 

I look beside me, 

“who me?†I smile, 

“YES. YOU†she says,

“What did I do I’m un aware†I say, playing dumb, 

“THIS!†she says, pushing her hair away from her neck, 

I almost laughed, the bruise was huge, it was a little bit bigger than a golf ball, with a dark black line straight through the middle, 

I did laugh, 


I fold the letter up, and put it in my pocket, 

I walk away from her, 

I hear her footsteps, and stop just in time for her to run into me, 

“Ow†I hear I look behind me and she’s on her ass with her puppy licking her face, 

“why are you so mean, it’s was my first day and your being an asshole†she says, standing up and wiping the dirt off her ass, 

she looks at me, and I just come out with an answer that will keep her quiet

“I’m Jason McCann baby†I turn around and walk out of the park. 

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