Chapter 4

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Julia Stark 

“find the value of x in this sum please” my new maths teacher says, I wasn’t one for maths I wasn’t good at it, and it didn’t help that I was sitting alone, when I walked in Mr Madden, just told me to sit anywhere I sat by myself because no one looked friendly, 

*Ding* the bell when and I put my books together and zipped my pencil case up, I stood up, half the class had left, and I looked at the clock, 12:10 that when lunch starts I noted to myself, 

“how did you go today Julia” Mr Madden came up to me, 

“yeah, it was alright” I say, 

“please tell me if you’re having trouble I can try to help you” he says with a smile, it was more like a pedo smile so I just nodded and walked out.

As I was walking to my locker the hall way all the girls went quiet, what did I do, do I have blood on my skirt shit, I turned around, and looked to see Jason walking down the middle of the hallway, girls parting for him, and whispering to their friends, was he like the boy at school everyone wanted, 

well I could kinda see why with his hair and face and muscles. 

Wait what?

I undid my locker, and piled my maths books in, and put my history books onto so I could get them after lunch, 

a phew gasps arose as Jason stood next to me, his locker was next to mine, and the doors opened away from each other, 

I looked out of the corner of my eye, he wasn’t doing anything just texting on his phone, 

“take a picture, it’ll last longer” he mumbles, I look away embarrassed, 

and grab my books, I look beside me again, and Jason is pulling out the same book, that means he’s in my class, 

I closed my door quickly and started walking I didn’t want to walk with or near Jason he literally scared the shit out of me, I walked in through the door and sat at the back the desks were in 2’s, I took my seat and some of the girls in the class gasped, I looked up, 

what have I done now. 

I just shuffled my books, and looked back down to where I was writing. 

Then the classroom went quiet, and I looked up from my books, 

I bit the inside of my lip, 

the whole class was watching us, 

“This is my seat” Jason said, 

I looked around the classroom for somewhere to sit all the girl were fanning themselves at each other mouthing ‘so hot’ across the room, then I remembered to not talk to him, 

“Jason take a seat!” the teacher yells, 

he grunts, slamming his books down, I widen my eyes at his anger, 

he pulls the chair out beside me making a lot of noise, and sits, all the girls were glaring at me, 

trust me girls, he isn’t what he seems, I wasn’t even paying attention to the teacher, I couldn’t think, 

I looked down at my blank page, and then sneaked a look at Jason’s page, it was half full, shit, 

I tried to copy, but I guess he noticed, 

“trying to copy are you?” he whispers 

“n-“ I shook my head, instead of talking, 

“li-” he grunts, 

“Jason, Julia, would you like to inform the class on your conversation” the teacher says, 

I hear everyone turn around to look at us, 

Jason says nothing, 

“no sir” I say, 

“would you rather a detention? Julia” he says, I had no idea how to answer that, you can’t exactly say no, 

“both of you in the office this afternoon” he says, 

“fucking hell” I whisper, 

I heard Jason snicker a I rolled my eyes, 

I sat through the rest of the lesson wait for the bell to ring, 

*DING* I stood up, and picked my books up, 

and I walked a few steps before Jason said something, 

“hey, don’t sit here again” he says, with that same tone he always had. 

“Okay” I squeak, 

and rushed out of the door.

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